Sega Saturn - Japan Undumped Discs

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(South Korea)
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Line 153: Line 153:
| NHL Powerplay '96 || NHL파워플레이96 || T-7012G || Japanese CD repacked with Korean manual, it seems.
| NHL Powerplay '96 || NHL파워플레이96 || T-7012G || Japanese CD repacked with Korean manual, it seems.
| Nights Into Dreams... (Teugbyeol Hanjeongpan Samsung Multi Pad Set) || 나이츠 - 특별한정판 삼성 멀티패드 세트 || GS-9608J2 ||  
| Nights Into Dreams... || 나이츠 - 특별한정판 삼성 멀티패드 세트 || GS-9608J2 || Teugbyeol Hanjeongpan Samsung Multi Pad Set.
| Panzer Dragoon || 팬져 드라군 || GS-9502J (MK-81009-08) ||  
| Panzer Dragoon || 팬져 드라군 || GS-9502J (MK-81009-08) ||  

Revision as of 23:31, 20 March 2024

Sega Saturn
USA & BrazilEuropeJapan

Page is a work in progress, all entries are serial number specific. Demos and applications need to be added (source list unknown).

  • Refer here to a list of all Japanese Saturn games.
  • Refer here for a list of all Japanese Saturn demos.
  • For reference, here are all Japanese Saturn games in's database.
  • List of known revisions[1] (Needs checking!)


Japan Games

Bold ones are unique, the rest should match the already dumped ones:

T-7639G		Adventure Pack: Nanatsu no Hikan & Myst *Acquired by wiggy2k??? also *Acquired by AMoC
T-7663G		Angelique Duet (Premium box)
T-4304G		Apo Nashi Gals Olympos (Shokai Gentei Cel-ga Package A)
T-4307G		Apo Nashi Gals Olympos (Shokai Gentei Cel-ga Package C) *Acquired by AMoC
T-8126G         Battlesport -- likely to exist in limited quantities, similar to Scorcher
T-4319G		The Conveni ~Ano Machi wo Dokusen seyo~ (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
???		CRI Channel Web
T-7649G		Daikoukai Jidai II (Premium Pack)
T-14317G	Denpa Shounenteki Game 2
GS-9192		Dynamite Deka (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
T-1245G		Dungeons & Dragons Collection (Kakuchou Ram Cartridge 4MB Fuzoku)
T-7610G		Emit Value Set
T-15042G	Eve Burst Error & Eve The Lost One Value Pack
T-15032G	Eve Burst Error (Premium Pack) *Acquired by AMoC
T-15040G	Eve the Lost One & Desire Value Pack
XUSE-9812S	Girl Doll Toy: Premium Single CD -- bundled with some copies of [T-37002G] Girl Doll Toy: Tamashii o Kudasai *Acquired by AMoC
T-13313G	Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden III: Sabakareshi Mono
T-3121G		The King of Fighters '97 (Kakuchou Ram Cartridge-tsuki Okaidoku Set!!)
T-10614G	Magic Carpet (Tokubetsu Genteiban Sega Multi Controller Set)
T-3114G		Metal Slug (Kakuchou Ram Doukon Okaidoku Set!!)
T-7665G		Nanatsu no Hikan (Koei Best Collection)
???		Nomura Home Trade Sample-ban
MOC-VIW02	Plala Green Disc Version 1.0 -- aka GRGS-9701
T-19506G	Roommate ~Ryouko in Summer Vacation~
T-19716G	Ruriiro no Yuki -- TAC-2 has a copy...
T-7669G		Sangokushi IV (Koei Best Collection)
T-7651G		Sangokushi Koumeiden (Premium Pack)
T-7648G		Sangokushi V (Premium Pack)
T-32105G	Sankyo Fever Jikki Simulation S Vol.3
T-14313G	Saturn Bomberman (Party Pac)
T-32802G	Saturn Music School (MIDI Keyboard Doukon Special Pack)
T-8128G		Scorcher -- will be probably submitted by Loogs some day
L11-9001	SegaSaturn Sound Tools for Macintosh Sega Sound Library Instruments by InVision Vol. 1 (Disc Version '94/8/31)
?12-?00?	SegaSaturn Sound Tools for Macintosh Sega Sound Library Instruments by InVision Vol. 2???
?13-?00?	SegaSaturn ???
?14-?00?	SegaSaturn ???
L15-1001	SegaSaturn SGL Tool Kit SEGA 3D Game Library (Disc Version 1996/4/30)
?18-100?	SegaSaturn ???
A19-1000	SegaSaturn Developer's Documentation Vol.1. Electronic Version Rel.1 (Disc Version '96/4/20)
B20-1000	SegaSaturn Developer's Documentation Vol.2. Electronic Version Rel.1 (Disc Version '96/4/20)
L21-1000	SegaSaturn Development Tool Kit (Disc Version '97/8/25)
610-5732-01	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD00) JVC
610-5732-02	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD01) JVC
610-5732-03	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD02) JVC
610-5732-04	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD00) Columbia
610-5732-05	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD01) Columbia
T-7641G		Sega Saturn-you Word Processor Set (Digital Camera Taiouban) [EGWORD Ver 2.00]
T-22203G	Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard
T-30810G	Shutsudou! Mini-skirt Police
T-1319G		Side Pocket 3 (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
T-10505G	Sotsugyou III Wedding Bell
T-4312G		Standby Say You! (Shokai Gentei Special Package 2) *Acquired by AMoC
T-9116G		Steep Slope Sliders (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
T-7655G		Suikoden ~Tenmei no Chikai~ (Premium Pack)
T-7653G		Taikou Risshiden II (Premium Pack)
T-37602G	Techno Motor (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
T-7654G		Teitoku no Ketsudan III (Premium Pack)
GS-9201		Virtua Cop 1 - 2 Pack
GS-9154		Virtua Cop 2 Gentei Virtua Gun Set
GS-9180		Virtua Cop Special Pack (Virtua Cop 1 & 2 + The House of the Dead Taikenban)
HSS-0163-T	Voice World Yume Talk Sample
T-21511G	Zork Collection *Acquired by AMoC

The following games have been secured by Fireball (none of these are expected to differ from the already dumped ones):

T-32501G	Advanced V.G.
T-15022G	Eve Burst Error (Genteiban)
T-15018G	Taiheiyou no Arashi 2 ~Shippuu no Moudou~
T-27808G	Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku ensemble

Japan Revisions

GS-9099		Dennou Senki: Virtual On: Cyber Troopers (Rev A) -- V1.003, ring starts with "GS-9099P-01150A"
GS-9121		Heim Waltz (Rev 0) -- V1.000, ring starts with "GS-9121P-01264"
GS-9168		J. League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! 2 (Rev B) -- V1.014, ring starts with "GS-9168P-01946B"
T-15006G	Kaitei Daisensou (Rev A) -- V1.006, ring starts with "T-15006GP-00554A"
T-27901G	Lunar: Silver Star Story (Rev A) -- V2.00, ring starts with "T-27901GP-01103A"
T-35504G	Nihon Daihyou Team no Kantoku ni Naruu! Sekaihatsu Soccer RPG: Become the Coach for the National Team! (Rev A) -- V1.003, ring starts with "T-35504GP-02298A"
GS-9165		Pro Yakyuu Team mo Tsukurou! -- V1.006, ring starts with "GS-9165P-02147A"
GS-9057		Shining Wisdom (Rev B) -- V1.001, ring starts with "GS-9057P-00416B"
GS-9078		Toushinden S (Rev A) -- V1.210, ring starts with "GS-9078P-00570A"
GS-9064		Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 2: Jacky Bryant (Rev A) -- V1.000, ring starts with "GS-9064P-00487A" *Acquired by AMoC
GS-9038		Wing Arms: Kareinaru Gekitsuiou (Rev B) -- V?.???, ring starts with "GS-9038P-00459B"

Japan Demos

610-6729		Desire Hibaihin Taikenban デザイア 非売品 体験版 --- Madroms
ST-13305G		Dragon Ball Z Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu Taikenban ドラゴンボールZ 偉大なるドラゴンボール伝説 体験版
610-6772		Gaia Breeder Taikenban ガイアブリーダー 体験版
ST-17002G		Game-Ware Soukan Junbigou Hibaihin ゲーム ウェア 創刊準備号 非売品 --- Madroms
ST-22301G (610-6452)	Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Sample 銀河英雄伝説 SAMPLE --- Madroms
ST-14402G (610-6133)	Gunbird Sample ガンバード SAMPLE --- Madroms
ST-4502G (610-6188)	Gungriffon Hibaihin Auto Demo ガングリフォン 非売品 オートデモ --- Madroms
610-6564		Harukaze Sentai V-Force Demo-ban はるかぜ戦隊 Vフォース デモ版
ST-17001G (610-5984)	Heisei Tensai Bakabon Susume! Bakabons Hibaihin Mihonban 平成天才バカボン すすめ! バカボンズ 非売品 見本盤 --- Madroms
SGS-9061		Hideo Nomo World Series Baseball Hibaihin Mihonban 野茂英雄 ワールドシリーズ ベースボール 非売品 見本盤 --- Madroms
ST-21002G (610-6151)	Hiyake no Omoide + Himekuri ~Girls In Motion Puzzle Vol.1~ Hibaihin Sample 日灼けの想い出+姫くり 非売品 SAMPLE --- Madroms
ST-5302G (610-6114)	J. B. Harold Blue Chicago Blues Auto Demo CD J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース オートデモCD
ST-26102G (610-6476)	K-1 Fighting Illusion Shou DEMO-CD Hibaihin K-1 ファイティング イリュージョン 翔 DEMO-CD 非売品
ST-27906G		Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Hibaihin Auto Demo ルナ2 エターナルブルー 非売品 オートデモ
ST-6301G (610-6432)	Master of Monsters ~Neo Generations~ Sample マスター・オブ・モンスターズ 〜ネオ ジェネレーションズ〜 SAMPLE
ST-9109G		Moon Cradle Taikenban ムーンクレイドル 体験版 -- not to be confused with the already dumped 610-6621
ST-7616G (610-6238)	Nanatsu no Hikan Hibaihin Demonstration-you CD-ROM 七つの秘館 非売品 デモンストレーション用CD‐ROM --- Madroms
ST-7605G (610-6108)	Nobunaga no Yabou Tenshouki Hibaihin 信長の野望・天翔記 非売品 --- Madroms
610-7100		Noël 3 Taikenban ノエル3 体験版 --- Madroms
ST-1230G		Pocket Fighter Taikenban ポケットファイター 体験版
610-6834		Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special Sample リアルバウト餓狼伝説スペシャル サンプル
ST-3106G		Samurai Spirits Zankurou Musouken Sample サムライスピリッツ 斬紅郎無双剣 SAMPLE --- Madroms
ST-1302G (610-6040)	Suiko Enbu Sample CD 水滸演武 サンプルCD --- Madroms
610-6222		Tekkyuu True Pinball Demo 鉄球 トゥルー・ピンボール デモ
ST-5708G (610-6371)	Tetris Plus Mihonban テトリスプラス 見本盤 --- Madroms
ST-2301G (610-6143)	The Hyper Golf ~Devil's Course~ Sample-ban ザ・ハイパーゴルフ ~デビルズコース~ サンプル版 --- Madroms
ST-6001G (610-6121)	The King of Boxing Tentou-you Auto Demo キング・オブ・ボクシング 店頭用オートデモ --- Madroms
610-6869		The King of Fighters '97 Sample Hibaihin ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’97 サンプル 非売品 --- Madroms
610-7020		Virtuacall S Taikenban バーチャコールS 体験版
610-XXXX		Yanoman Jigsaw Puzzle Catalog Vol.1 YANOMAN ジグソーパズルカタログ Vol.1

Japan Samples

Retail CDs with an additional "sample" printed text on the ringcode, should match the already dumped ones:

T-6802GSAMPLE		2do Aru Koto ha Sando R Sample 2度あることはサンドアール SAMPLE
T-13301GSAMPLE		From TV Animation Slam Dunk I Love Basketball Sample テレビアニメ スラムダンク アイラブバスケットボール SAMPLE
T-13309GSAMPLE		Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden II ~Ao wo Uketsugu Mono~ Sample 機動戦士ガンダム外伝Ⅱ 蒼を受け継ぐ者 SAMPLE
T-32902GSAMPLE		Radiant Silvergun Sample レイディアント シルバーガン SAMPLE
T-18001GSAMPLE		Seireki 1999 ~Pharaoh no Fukkatsu~ Mihonban 西暦1999 ファラオの復活 見本盤
T-31501GSAMPLE		Vatlva Sample バトルバ SAMPLE

Apparently match another already dumped demos

SATMAGSONO2		SatMag Sono CD Vol.2 サタマガソノCD2

South Korea

Name Native Name Serial Notes
Albert Odyssey Gaiden ~Legend of Eldean~ 알버트 오딧세이 외전 T-26804H-08
Daytona USA 데이토나USA GS-9501J (MK-81200-08)
Daytona USA Championship Circuit Edition 데이토나USA GS-9614J (MK-81213-08 / MK-81044-08)
Impact Racing 임팩트 레이싱 T-26806H-08
NHL Powerplay '96 NHL파워플레이96 T-7012G Japanese CD repacked with Korean manual, it seems.
Nights Into Dreams... 나이츠 - 특별한정판 삼성 멀티패드 세트 GS-9608J2 Teugbyeol Hanjeongpan Samsung Multi Pad Set.
Panzer Dragoon 팬져 드라군 GS-9502J (MK-81009-08)
Sangokushi IV 三國志Ⅳ T-7601H-08
Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard 신비의 세계 엘하자드 T-26803H-08
Virtua Cop 버쳐캅 GS-9505J (MK-81015-08)
Virtua Cop 2 버쳐캅2 GS-9613J (MK-81043-08) Original release, SamsungSaturn-branded.
Virtua Cop 2 버쳐캅2 GS-9613J (MK-81043-08) Kama Entertainment rerelease, SegaSaturn-branded.
Virtual-On - Cyber Troopers 버철 온 GS-9612J (MK-81042-08) Original release, SamsungSaturn-branded.
World Series Baseball '98 월드시리즈베이스볼98 GS-9xxxJ (MK-81127-08) Original release, SamsungSaturn-branded (does it exist?).
World Series Baseball '98 월드시리즈베이스볼98 GS-9xxxJ (MK-81127-08) Kama Entertainment rerelease, SegaSaturn-branded.


Name Serial Notes
House of the Dead, The MK-80318-40(671-9617E) Japanese CD repacked in Asian cardboard to be sold in China, it seems.
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