Nintendo Wii - USA Undumped Discs

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Line 98: Line 98:
  RZTE Wii Sports Resort
  RZTE Wii Sports Resort
  SX4E Xenoblade Chronicles
  SX4E Xenoblade Chronicles
===Nintendo Selects===
Nintendo Selects editions of these games haven't been dumped and they may be new revisions.
[R5VE] James Cameron's Avatar: The Game
[SF8E] Donkey Kong Country Returns
[RMAE] Mario Power Tennis
[R4QE] Mario Strikers Charged
[RMBE] Mario Super Sluggers
[R7PE] Punch-Out!!
[SVME] Super Mario All-Stars
[SB4E] Super Mario Galaxy 2
[RSPE] Wii Sports
==Unconfirmed Revisions==
==Unconfirmed Revisions==
Line 133: Line 145:
  R9OE Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (v1.00)*
  R9OE Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (v1.00)*
====Nintendo Selects====
Nintendo Selects editions of these games haven't been dumped and they may be new revisions.
[R5VE] James Cameron's Avatar: The Game
[SF8E] Donkey Kong Country Returns
[RMAE] Mario Power Tennis
[R4QE] Mario Strikers Charged
[RMBE] Mario Super Sluggers
[R7PE] Punch-Out!!
[SVME] Super Mario All-Stars
[SB4E] Super Mario Galaxy 2
[RSPE] Wii Sports
[[Category:Missing Lists]]
[[Category:Missing Lists]]

Revision as of 21:00, 19 November 2018

This list was generated from the Wikipedia list[1] and GameTDB and includes only disc based games.


(En,Fr,Es)	Verified languages supported, via BIOS settings unless specified otherwise
***		No known dump exists in the wild

Undumped confirmed USA retail discs: 6 / demo discs: 8

Last updated November 18, 2018.




SOIE	101-in-1 Sports Party Megamix (En,Fr,Es) [BOUGHT - redgoo]
R75E	Dream Salon (En,Fr) (v1.00) [SUBMITTED - ToeKnee]
SDRE	Maximum Racing: Drag & Stock Racer (En,Fr,Es) [BOUGHT - redgoo]
SIME	MySims Collection (En,Fr,Es) [BOUGHT BUT NEEDS RESURFACING - JMC47, BOUGHT - redgoo]
STME	Titanic Mystery (En) [BOUGHT BUT WRONG GAME SHIPPED - redgoo]
SVWE	Veggy World (En) [SUBMITTED - buckwheat]


DBBE	Beyblade: Metal Fusion - Battle Fortress (En,Fr,Es) (Demo)
DAUE	Country Dance (Demo) ***
DXSE	Deca Sports (En) (Demo) [BOUGHT - exNihilo]
D3DE	Deca Sports 3 (En,Fr,Es) (Demo) [BOUGHT - exNihilo]
DDWE	Lost in Shadow (Demo) *** (Does not restart after idle) [SUBMITTED - exNihilo]
DDWX	Lost in Shadow (Demo) *** (Restarts after idle) [SUBMITTED - exNihilo]
????	Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Trade Demo) ***
DCHE	We Cheer (En) (Demo) [BOUGHT - exNihilo]


Some of the titles marked "Factory" may not exist as physical discs
413E	DiscUpdate Disc (WiiMenu 3.0U)[2] [BOUGHT - Whovian9369] - if other revisions exist, they are undumped
RAAE	Wii Startup Disc (Factory + Demo)
????	Pre Repair Check Disc (Repair)
RHAE?	Mii Support Disc (Wii Play) (Repair) [BOUGHT BUT NEEDS RESURFACING - exNihilo]
RSPE?	Mii Support Disc (Wii Sports) (Repair) [3]  [BOUGHT BUT NEEDS RESURFACING - Whovian9369]
122E	? (Factory)
123J	? (Factory)
121J	? (Factory)
0000dead ? (Retail RVL_DIAG, dev is dumped from digital) (Factory)
0002	? (Maybe DATA CHECK & LOG CHECK) (Factory)

Alternate Editions

These all probably match the standard retail releases which are already dumped.

Full Game "Demos"

[note: Hiccup was sent this by a collector]
These have the same 4 digit ID as retail full game releases, so should match - but it would be nice for a confirm. Might be different revisions.

Confirmed same as retail by checking version in mastering code on disc:

SF8E	Donkey Kong Country Returns
SSQE	Mario Party 9
RM3E	Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
SMNE	New Super Mario Bros Wii
SOME	Rhythm Heaven Fever
RMGE	Super Mario Galaxy
SB4E	Super Mario Galaxy 2
SC8E	Wii Play Motion
RZTE	Wii Sports Resort

Unconfirmed if same as retail:

RYWE	Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
RX3E	ExciteBots: Trick Racing
SJDE	Just Dance 3
RK5E	Kirby's Epic Yarn
RMCE	Mario Kart Wii
RMAE	New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis
R9IE	New Play Control! Pikmin
RMKE	Mario Sports Mix
RMBE	Mario Super Sluggers 
R3OE	Metroid: Other M
R7PE	Punch-Out!
R2VE	Sin & Punishment 2
RSBE	Super Smash Bros. Brawl
RWLE	Wario Land: Shake It!

Middle East / Southeast Asia: Packaging Variants

These are English NTSC games that have different disc serials from their USA counterparts, and thus may be variants of the USA releases.

RUUE	Animal Crossing: City Folk (En,Fr,Es) (v1.01)	// Dumped, confirmed same as USA
SF8E	Donkey Kong Country Returns
R4EE	Endless Ocean: Blue World
R22E	Fling Smash
ST7E	Fortune Street
RK5E	Kirby's Epic Yarn
SUKE	Kirby's Return to Dream Land
SOUE	Legend of Zelda, The: Skyward Sword
RZDE	Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess
RM8E	Mario Party 8					// Dumped, confirmed same as USA
SSQE	Mario Party 9					// Dumped, confirmed same as USA
RMKE	Mario Sports Mix
RMBE	Mario Super Sluggers
R3OE	Metroid: Other M
SNME	New Super Mario Bros. Wii
SVME	Super Mario All Stars
SB4E	Super Mario Galaxy 2
RSBE	Super Smash Bros. Brawl
RFPE	Wii Fit Plus
RSPE	Wii Sports
RZTE	Wii Sports Resort
SX4E	Xenoblade Chronicles

Nintendo Selects

Nintendo Selects editions of these games haven't been dumped and they may be new revisions.

[R5VE] James Cameron's Avatar: The Game
[SF8E] Donkey Kong Country Returns
[RMAE] Mario Power Tennis
[R4QE] Mario Strikers Charged
[RMBE] Mario Super Sluggers
[R7PE] Punch-Out!!
[SVME] Super Mario All-Stars
[SB4E] Super Mario Galaxy 2
[RSPE] Wii Sports

Unconfirmed Revisions

This list specifically is for software revisions that may exist. Other higher numbered revisions of these titles are already dumped.

* Unlikely due to v1.01 being dumped near release day (within 1 month)
RRKE	Alone in the Dark (v1.00)*
R2YE	Birthday Party Bash (v1.00)*
RCFE	Cosmic Family (v1.00)*
R22E	FlingSmash (v1.00)*
RGQE	Ghostbusters: The Video Game (v1.00)*
SGVE	Glee Karaoke Revolution: Volume 2 (v1.00)*
SGRE	Grease (v1.00)*
SW7E	Gunslingers (v1.00)  // v1.01 Scene release was 4 months after retail release
SJDY	Just Dance 3 (Best Buy Edition) (v1.00)  // Unlikely, v1.01 probably used to signify store exclusive edition
SJDZ	Just Dance 3 (Target Edition) (v1.00)  // Unlikely, v1.01 probably used to signify store exclusive edition
RZDE	Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess (v1.01)
RLBE	LEGO Batman: The Videogame (v1.01)  // May exist, all other LEGO games with Europe 1.00 and 1.01 have corresponding USA releases
R8JE	Lord of the Rings, The: Aragorn's Quest (v1.00)*
SDWE	Lost in Shadow (v1.00)*
SMEE	Madden NFL 11 (v1.00)*
RM8E	Mario Party 8 (v1.00)*
R4QE	Mario Strikers Charged (v1.00)  // Scene release was PAL to NTSC patched
RTDE	Monkey King, The: The Legend Begins (v1.00)*
R52E	Neopets Puzzle Adventure (v1.00)*
SMNE	New Super Mario Bros. Wii (v1.00)*
SNTE	Netflix (v1.00)
SNTE	Netflix (v1.01)
SDPE	Nickelodeon Dora's Big Birthday Adventure (v1.01)  // May exist with French language supported like other Nickelodeon games
SUTE	Once Upon a Time (v1.00)*
SPIE	Oops! Prank Party (v1.00)*
RPWZ	Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (v1.00)*
SRFE	Rapala Pro Bass Fishing (v1.00)*
RSBE	Super Smash Bros. Brawl (v1.00)*
R9OE	Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (v1.00)*
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