Microsoft Xbox 360 - Asia Undumped Discs

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Line 96: Line 96:
| Halo 3 || Korea || N || 77C91AB1 in ringcode ||  
| Halo 3 || Korea || N || 77C91AB1 in ringcode ||  
| Halo: Reach || Asia || N || 63681F4C in ringcode - MS213910W0X11. Chinese Voices ? ||
| Halo: Reach || Korea || N || 0F6E5B5E in ringcode - MS213906W0X11. Korean Voices ? ||
| Kameo: Elements of Power || Korea || N || Something like 403A40?1 in ringcode ||  
| Kameo: Elements of Power || Korea || N || Something like 403A40?1 in ringcode ||  

Revision as of 21:58, 9 March 2025

Microsoft Xbox 360
USAPALJapanAsia / KoreaMagazine Demos

This page specifically tracks Undumped Xbox 360 discs from the Asia and Korea regions. See Microsoft Xbox 360 - Japan Undumped Discs for undumped discs from the Japan region.


This list is incomplete, more research is needed.

Title Region Verification? Notes Bought
007: Quantum of Solace Korea N 599D45C7 in ringcode - AV204711J0X11
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Asia N 093CA400 in ringcode - NM207605J0EF11. Subtitles: English, Japanese and Audio: English only ?
Alone in the Dark Asia N 70E3D605 in ringcode - IG200103K0X11. English, Chinese, Korean
Armored Core: For Answer Korea N
Army of Two Asia N 03D0C651 in ringcode - EA204004J0X11
Assassin's Creed III Asia Y 刺客教條III - 4895094019276
Battle Fantasia Asia Y 1297A05D in ringcode
Beautiful Katamari Korea N
Binary Domain Korea Y Will match 55054 Randy2727
Biohazard: Operation Raccoon City Asia N 0509E722 in ringcode - CC207704J0CX11
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend Asia N
Blue Dragon Asia N English/Chinese subtitles?
Blue Dragon Korea N Korean subtitles? May match Asia-region
Bullet Witch Asia Y Unconfirmed. 07C15052 in ringcode
Call of Duty 2 Korea N
Call of Duty 3 Korea N
Catherine Asia N
Crysis 3 Asia, Korea N
Dark Souls Asia Y 055EE4AB in ringcode
Dark Souls Asia Y 11DACC57 in ringcode
Dark Souls: Prepare to die Edition Asia, Korea N 1AA8530D in ringcode - NM210607J0BF11
Dishonored Asia N 50F85453 in ringcode Randy2727
Divinity II: Ego Draconis Korea Y Will match 74296 Randy2727
Don Bradman Cricket 14 Asia N
DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda Korea Y Bundled with LEGO Indiana Jones Randy2727
Driver: San Francisco Korea Y Will match 20209 Randy2727
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires / Shin Sangoku Musou 5: Empires Korea N
Eternal Sonata Korea N
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Korea Y Will match 16110 Randy2727
Fable III Korea Y Will match 16634 Randy2727
Fallout 3 Korea Y Will match 114595 Randy2727
Fallout: New Vegas Asia N 6514A145 in ringcode Randy2727
Fifa 07 Asia N 12E766DE in ringcode - EA203107J0X11. English and Spanish languages ?
Fifa 08 Korea Y Will match 115287 Randy2727
FIFA 09 Korea N 1D0AC569 in ringcode Randy2727
FIFA 10 Korea N 300D1D42 in ringcode - EA223608J0X11
FIFA 19: Legacy Edition Asia, Korea N
FIFA Street 3 Korea N
Fight Night Round 3 Korea Y Will match 65270 Randy2727
Forza Motorsport 2 Korea Y Bundled with Viva Piñata Randy2727
Game of Thrones Asia N
Guitar Hero II Korea Y Will match 23950 Randy2727
Halo 3 Asia Y English version Randy2727
Halo 3 Korea N 77C91AB1 in ringcode
Halo: Reach Asia N 63681F4C in ringcode - MS213910W0X11. Chinese Voices ?
Halo: Reach Korea N 0F6E5B5E in ringcode - MS213906W0X11. Korean Voices ?
Kameo: Elements of Power Korea N Something like 403A40?1 in ringcode
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Korea Y Bundled with Kung Fu Panda] Randy2727
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Asia, Korea N
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Asia Y Unconfirmed. 4A99274C in ringcode
MagnaCarta II Asia Y Will match 63734 Randy2727
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Asia Y 76FDB642 in ringcode
Major League Baseball 2K8 Asia N 25C799F6 in ringcode?
Mass Effect Asia Y Will match 11416 Randy2727
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Asia N
NBA 2K14 Asia  ? Box reads "English and Chinese Subtitles (English Voices)"
Need for Speed: Carbon Asia, Korea N
Need for Speed: Most Wanted Asia, Korea N
Need for Speed: ProStreet Korea N
Need for Speed: Shift Asia N
Need for Speed: The Run Asia, Korea N
Perfect Dark Zero Korea Y Will match 75889 Randy2727
Record of Agarest War Asia Y Unconfirmed. 1F0C47EB in ringcode
Record of Agarest War Zero Asia Y Unconfirmed. 4AD11966 in ringcode
Rise of the Tomb Raider Asia N 01E10B43 in ringcode?
Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis Korea Y
Rumble Roses XX Asia Y Unconfirmed. 1A6D4362 in ringcode
Saints Row 2 Asia N
Shadowrun Asia Y Will match 93046 Randy2727
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution Asia Y Will match 11841 Randy2727
Silent Hill HD Edition Asia N
Sleeping Dogs Asia N
Sleeping Dogs Korea Y Will match 58141 Randy2727
Sonic Unleashed Asia Y 4BED0DDE in ringcode
South Park: The Stick of Truth Asia N
Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage Asia, Korea Y 1973322C / 525FCBE3 in ringcode?
Split/Second: Velocity Korea Y 스플릿 세컨드: 빛의 속도 - 885370137378 [1]
Star Ocean: The Last Hope Korea Y Japanese-language edition expected to match Japan-region
Star Ocean: The Last Hope Asia Y English-language edition expected to match Korea-region
Star Trek Asia N
Tenchu Z Asia Y
Test Drive Unlimited Asia N English/Chinese version
The Club Asia N 1DA6ABDE in ringcode - SE201302J0X11.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Asia at least N 41E445EA in ringcode - BS202207J0CF11. English only version.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Asia N 4B4EB682 in ringcode - BS202208J10X11. Chinese language version
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Legendary Edition (Disc 2) Asia N 5DD3AA15 in ringcode - BS203808J1DX11.
The Evil Within Asia N
The Simpsons Game Korea  ?
The Witcher 2 Asia, Korea N
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 Korea N Korean-language edition. English-language edition dumped.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Asia N
Tropico 4 Asia N
UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 Asia N
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012 Asia N
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2013 Asia N 5882FA63 in ringcode?
World Soccer Winning Eleven X Korea Y Will match 68666 Randy2727


HD DVD Player Software Install Disc (Korea) ~ HD DVD 플레이어 설치 디스크 [2] (May match USA/Japan dump)
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