Sony PlayStation 3 - Serial Number List

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A work-in-progress list documenting Sony PlayStation 3 disc serial numbers.

Regular Serials

This section contains discs, which have serials ending with S (for Standard) or D (for Demo).

Type ID Title Alternative Title Region Edition Dumped? Pictures Notes
BCES 00001 Resistance: Fall of Man Europe, Australia Original, Essentials, Platinum : The Best of PlayStation 3 Yes
BCES 00002 Genji: Days of the Blade Europe, Australia Original Yes Disc with BCES-00002# on disc label is the one commonly found.
B*ES 00003 Seemingly unattributed.
BCES 00004 Lair Europe, Australia Original Yes
BCES 00005 Formula One: Championship Edition Europe, Australia Original Yes
BCES 00006 Motorstorm Europe, Australia Original, Platinum : The Best of PlayStation 3 , Essentials 1.0, 2.0 Motorstorm was released before the PSN, so when servers closed, all the DLC weren't available anymore. That's why Motorstorm Complete was released, with all the additional content.
BCES 00007 The Eye of Judgment Europe, Australia Original Yes
BCES 00008 Warhawk Europe, Australia Original Yes Warhawk was a multiplayer online-only game, but now the servers are closed.
BCES 00009 Ridge Racer 7 Europe, Australia Original, Platinum : The Best of PlayStation 3 Yes
B*ES 00010 Seemingly unattributed.
BCES 00011 Singstar Europe Original Yes Box title is Singstar + Singstore. It only contains english-language songs. Released in the UK, maybe in other europeans countries.
B*ES 00012 Seemingly unattributed.
BCUS 98380 Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault Brazil Original No North American release with ESRB logo on disc have XCUS-00001 on disc label, but BCUS-98380 on the box (BCUS-99172 in Canada). See [1]
BCUS 98472 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Present on the box of the North American PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale release. Disc is XCUS-00003 (with ESRB rating). See [2].
BCUS 99172 Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault Present on the box of the Canadian Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault release. Disc is XCUS-00001 (with ESRB rating). See [3].
BCUS 99090 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Brazil Original No Latin American boxes also have this serial number, but disc is the North American one. North American release with ESRB logo on disc have XCUS-00003 on disc label and BCUS-98472 on the box. See [4]


This section contains pré-production and beta discs, which have serials ending with T.

Type ID Title Alternative Title Region Edition Dumped? Pictures Notes
BCET 00006/9145141 Killzone 2 Europe Pre-Production Yes Disc,Press Kit This disc was released with the Killzone 2 Press kit.
BCET 00010 inFamous Europe Demo Code Yes Disc A prototype/prerelease/demo build of inFamous for the PlayStation 3 from 2009-04-14. This was built about a week after the release build, but contains some indications that it may be non-final code, like the %d placeholders in the status screens.

Special Serials

Type ID Title Alternative Title Region Edition Dumped? Pictures Notes
XCUS 00001 Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault North America, Latin America Original Yes XCUS-00001 on disc label and as internal serial, BCUS-98380 on the box (BCUS-99172 in Canada) and in param.sfo. Brazilian release without ESRB logo on disc have BCUS-98380 on disc. Serials starting with X (for extras?) were attributed to games that appear to be a PS3 Bluray + Extras (PSVita crossbuy). See [5].
XCUS 00003 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale North America, Latin America Original Yes XCUS-00003 on disc label and as internal serial, BCUS 98472 on the box (BCUS-99090 in Latin America) and in param.sfo. Brazilian release without ESRB logo on disc have BCUS-99090 on disc. Serials starting with X (for extras?) were attributed to games that appear to be a PS3 Bluray + Extras (PSVita crossbuy). See [6].
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