Nintendo GameCube - Asia Undumped Discs

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Nintendo GameCube
USAAsiaPAL (Europe, etc)
Other (All Regions): UnlicensedPreproduction


Games: Undumped Editions

Serial Title Edition Notes Bought
GJBJ Bomberman Jetters Hudson The Best Images online show Rev 0, which is dumped
GB2J Bomberman Land 2 Hudson The Best Images online show Rev 0, which is dumped
GMTJ Disney's Magical Park Hudson The Best
GDBJ Doubutsu Banchou Jitsuen-you Sample (実演用) Same serial as retail / expected to match retail edition. image (2nd row, 1st item), image 2, image 3
GKWJ Dream Mix TV: World Fighters Hudson The Best
GJSJ Hudson Selection Vol. 2 - Star Soldier Hudson The Best
GIIJ Momotarou Dentetsu 11 - Black Bombee Shutsugen! no Maki Hudson The Best
GNBJ NBA Courtside 2002 Jitsuen-you Sample (実演用) Same serial as retail / expected to match retail edition. Disc (Front), Case

Demos: Dedicated

Serial Title Title (Non-Latin) Exists? Bought Notes
????2004-nen Tentou Game Taikai (Event Disc) 2004年店頭ゲーム大会 イベント用ディスク Yes what is this this? Naruto 2 released in late 2003, Naruto 4 released in late 2004. From. Not to be confused with Naruto 4 Tournament Event Disc.
DY2JDonkey Konga 2: Hit Song Parade (Tentou Demo Disc) ドンキーコンガ2 ヒットソングパレード 店頭デモディスク Yes Disc (Front), Case
DY3JDonkey Konga 3: Tabehoudai! Haru Mogitate 50-kyoku (Tentou Demo Disc) ドンキーコンガ3 食べ放題!春もぎたて50曲 店頭デモディスク Yes Disc (Front)
DKWJDream Mix TV: World Fighters (Taikenban) ドリームミックスTV ワールドファイターズ 体験版 Yes Disc (Front), Sleeve
DFSJFIFA 2002: Road to FIFA World Cup (Jitsuen-you Sample) FIFA 2002: ロード トゥ FIFA ワールドカップ 実演用 サンプル Yes Disc (Front)
DEGJGiant Egg: Billy Hatcher no Daibouken (Taikenban) ジャイアントエッグ ビリー・ハッチャーの大冒険 体験版 Yes Disc Front (dead link), Disc Front (dead link)
DKNJKinnikuman Nisei: Shinsedai Choujin vs. Densetsu Choujin (Event Disc)キン肉マンⅡ世 新世代超人VS伝説超人 イベント用ディスク Yes Disc Front (dead link), Disc (Front), Case
DMPJMario Party 4 (Event Disc) マリオパーティ4 イベント用ディスク Yes Disc Front (dead link), Disc Front (dead link), Disc Front (dead link), Disc Back (dead link), Case (dead link)
????Mr. Driller: Drill Land (Event Disc) ミスタードリラー ドリルランド イベント用ディスク Yes Disc Front (dead link), Case Front (dead link), Case Front (dead link), Case Back (dead link)
????Naruto (Event Disc) Unk
????Naruto 2 (Taikai Sen'you Disc) Unk
G3NJ(A)Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 (Taikai Sen'you Disc) NARUTO-ナルト- 激闘忍者大戦!3 大会専用ディスク Yes Disc Front (dead link)
DOGJOne Piece: Grand Battle! 3 (Grand Tours Taikai Sen'you Special Disc) ONE PIECE ~グランド・バトル!3~ グランドツアーズ店頭大会専用 スペシャルディスク Yes Disc Front (dead link), Disc Front (dead link)
GZVJ(A)Zoids Vs. III (Taikai Sen'you Disc) ゾイド バーサスⅢ 大会専用ディスク Yes Disc (Front)

Demos: Gekkan Nintendo Tentou series

Note: serials with 0 or 1 in them are skipped by Nintendo for these discs, as they could be mistaken for O or I. Yahoo Auctions Japan search: [1]

Serial Title Date Bought Status Notes
D22J? (guess) Tentou-you Demo Disc Vol. 1 Confirmed (pics) 店頭用デモディスク VOL. 1. Green one on the left of second photo.
D25J Tentou-you Demo Disc Vol. 2 Jan 2002 Confirmed (pics) 店頭用デモディスク VOL. 2. Pics.
D28JGekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2002.4.4April 2002 Confirmed via scene Should "2002.4.4" be "2002.4.1"? Scene: Interactive_Multi-Game_Demo_Disk_April_2002_JPN_NGC-ICP.
D37JGekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2002.8.1August 2002 Nova Confirmed (pics) image, image 2
D44JGekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2002.12.1 (Special Issue) December 2002 Confirmed Says "special issue" after the "12" on the front of the box instead of "issue"
D64JGekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2003.10.1 October 2003 Confirmed (pics) Rev 1 is in redump.image, image 2.
D69JGekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2004.1.1 - Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Berry Problem Repair ProgramJanuary 2004 Lesserkuma Confirmed (pics) Disc Image "ポケモン ルビー・サファイア きのみ問題 修理プログラム入り" = "Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Berry Problem Repair Program". Box front photo for all three of these fix discs: Image of 3 "fixed" boxes (dead link) Comparison (dead link) Box may be different than 2004.1.1
D74JGekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2004.2.1 - Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Berry Problem Repair ProgramFebruary 2004 Lesserkuma Confirmed (pics) Disc Image (dead link). See discussion[2][3]. Box may be different than 2004.2.1. Partial evidence of serial[4].
D76JGekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2004.3.1 - Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Berry Problem Repair ProgramMarch 2004Lesserkuma Confirmed (pics) Disc Image (dead link)
E29J (guess)Gekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2006.3.1 March 2006 Unconfirmed Suspected to exist because 2006.2.1 (E28J) and 2006.4.1 (E32J) are dumped.
E33JGekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo 2006.5.1May 2006 Confirmed (pics) box front, box back. ufocrossing has one, but despite disc looking fine, it won't dump

Test Discs

Serial Revision Title Confirmed to Exist? Bought Notes
017J Diag 2001/06/01 Yes image, image 2
022E Read Check Program for U.S. Yes Thread, Video
022P Read Check Program for PAL Yes Thread, Video
022J Read Check Program (JPN) Implied Image (Disc)
???? 本体検査ディスク DOL-USA Ver. 02 Serial number unconfirmed System Inspection Disc DOL-USA Ver.02 image (dead link)
???? Diag Ver 03-00 Serial number unconfirmed image (dead link)
060J Diag Ver 3.1.1 May be digital only
???? Gekko (機能検査プログラム 2002/10/08版) Serial number unconfirmed Gekko Function Testing Progam 2002/10/08 version, photo too blurry to know if 査 is definitely 査. image (dead link)

Unconfirmed / Does Not Exist

Unconfirmed, speculated, and/or likely to not exist.

Games: Unconfirmed Revisions

Serial Title Notes Bought
GEOJ Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO (v1.00) Rev 1 dumped, has no mastering code in redump, so cannot confirm manufacturing date.
GZVJ Zoids vs. III (v1.01) Rev 0 and Rev 2 dumped, although there is only 66 days between the manufacturing of each.

Later revisions of these were manufactured before the game release date:

Serial Title Notes Bought
GPIJ Pikmin (v1.00) even a box without "A" stamp on its sleeve was v1.01
GK7J Killer7 only 1.02 is dumped, but the game seems to have distinct versions for each region
UGPJ Game Boy Player Start-Up Disc (v1.00) Also Korea region.
GGTJ ChibiRobo! (v1.00)
GOOJ Odama (v1.00)
GDMJ Disney's Mickey Mouse no Fushigi na Kagami (v1.00)
GK4J Baten Kaitos II: Hajimari no Tsubasa to Kamigami no Shishi (Disc 1) (v1.00)
GK4J Baten Kaitos II: Hajimari no Tsubasa to Kamigami no Shishi (Disc 2) (v1.00)
GBSJ Beach Spikers: Virtua Beach Volleyball (v1.00)
GKTJ Captain Tsubasa: Ougon Sedai no Chousen (v1.00)
GKFJ Chaos Field Expanded (v1.00) & (v1.01)
GTHJ Charinko Hero (v1.00)
GK6J Croket! Banking no Kiki wo Sukue (v1.00)
GEMJ Egg Mania: Tsukande! Mawashite! Dossun Puzzle!! (v1.00)
GEGJ Giant Egg: Billy Hatcher no Daibouken (v1.00) Rev 1 dumped without ringcode, but a pic shows a Rev 1 ringcode with a date before release.
GM6J Medarot Brave (v1.00)
GRMJ Monopoly: Mezase!! Daifugou Jinsei!! (v1.00)
GPOJ Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (v1.00) & (v1.01) Although rev 2 was apparently manufactured on the day before release.
GREJ Rockman EXE Transmission (v1.00) Rev 1 dumped without ringcode, but a pic shows a Rev 1 ringcode with a date before release.
GSEJ Shaman King: Soul Fight (v1.00)
GRSJ Soulcalibur II (v1.00)
GMBJ Super Monkey Ball (v1.00) & (v1.01)
GZOJ Zoids vs. (v1.00)


SerialTitleBought Status Notes
D22J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials
D26J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials
D27J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials
D35J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials
D36J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials
D57J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials
D58J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials. Used in header of "Pokemon Distributing Machine v2.0.1" NR Disc, unknown if used on pressed disc.
D72J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials
D83J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials
E29J Unconfirmed - existence implied by gap in serials