Talk:Main Page

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Revision as of 06:32, 19 September 2010 by GBK (Talk | contribs)
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Discs not yet dumped - no need to put up links in the mainpage, which are available right trough the sidebar, gbk (admin)


"For any requests, critics, suggestion, ideas use the "discussion" here to let me know."

I am not sure whether it is right here. I wanted to propose a Hashprogram for Useful_Links, I find this program very Useful and it is open source.

Fsum Frontend -

It supports 96 algorithms: alder8, adler16, adler32, ap hash, bdkr, cksum, cksum mpeg2, crc8, crc16, crc16 ccitt, crc16 ibm, crc16 x25, crc16 xmodem, crc16 zmodem, crc24, crc32, crc32 bzip2, crc32 jamcrc, crc32 mpeg2, crc64, crc64 ecma, djb hash, dha256, edonley/emule, elf32, fletcher8, fletcher16, fletcher32, fnv0-32, fnv0-64, fnv1-32, fnv1-64, fnv1a-32, fnv1a-64, fork256, ghash3, ghash5, gost, has160, haval (128, 160, 192, 224, 256 bits) (3, 4, 5 passes), jhash, js hash, md2, md4, md5, panama, pjw32, ripemd128, ripemd160, ripemd256, ripemd320, rs hash, sdbm, sha0, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, size64, snefru2 (128, 256 bits) (4, 8 passes), sum8, sum16, sum24, sum32, sum64, sumbsd, sumsyv, tiger128, tiger160, tiger192, tiger2, tiger tree, tiger tree 2, whirlpool0, whirlpool1, whirlpool2, xor8, xum32.

It also supports SFV, MD5, SHA1/SHA2 files creation and verification. Xayox

sounds good, next time please add yer nickname behind the suggestion tough, greets gbk

^^ added i see, good work. gbk


User7, why do you keep adding the discs not dumped link to the mainpage here, when the link is already in the navigation box? No need to have it twice here. gbk