PC Europe selection

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Title Note Dumper
Armored Fist (Europe)
Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now: Official Graphics Pack (Europe)
Carnivores 2 (Europe) 5031951300876
Dino Crisis (Europe)5028587102837
Earthworm Jim - Special Edition (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It)Original edition?
G-Police (Europe)v1.18?
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Europe)5013442556764 - 632331
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (Europe)5030917000003
POD - Extended Time (Europe)3362932256045 - France + Benelux?
Raptor: Call of the Shadows (Europe)5028822000027 - Info
Wacky Wheels (Europe)4015756100917 (CDV)
Wheelman (Europe)5037930061356

These are some of the IBM PC games that I'm on the lookout for. If you have any of them or are willing to donate funds towards dumping, let me know.