From Redump Wiki
Currently being added to No-Intro:
- EB - Electronic Book (Text + Graphics, Japan Only)
- EBG - Electronic Book Graphics (Text + Graphics, Outside Japan Only)
- EBXA - Electronic Book Extended Architecture (Text + Graphics + Audio, Worldwide)
- EBXA-C - EBXA-Chinese (EBXA with Chinese character support, Japan Only)
- S-EBXA - Super EBXA (EBXA with Color Support, Japan Only?)
Title | Purchased by | Serial/UPC/EAN/ETC | Note
Adventure 101: Intro to Tourist Traps, Dwarfs and Chivalry | | | eBay Listing
Compton's Concise Encyclopedia | | | Non-DIC dump on No-Intro
International Wine Guide, The | | | Non-DIC dump on No-Intro
Passport's World Travel Translator | | | Non-DIC dump on No-Intro
VGM's Careers Encyclopedia | | | Non-DIC dump on No-Intro
Webster's Official Crossword Puzzle Dictionary | | | Non-DIC dump on No-Intro
Wellness Encyclopedia, The | | | Non-DIC dump on No-Intro
Title | Purchased by | Serial/UPC/EAN/ETC | Note
Title | Purchased by | Serial/UPC/EAN/ETC | Note
Title | Purchased by | Serial/UPC/EAN/ETC | Note
Title | Title (Non-Latin) | Purchased by | Serial/UPC/EAN/ETC | Note
13 no Gaka Da Vinci Satsujin | 13の画架 ダ・ヴィンチ殺人 | NovaAurora | | Suruga-ya
Pill Book: Kusuri no Jiten Ver. 3.1 | ピルブック 薬の事典 ver.3.1 | NovaAurora | | YAJ
| 電子ブック版 聖書 新共同訳 | | | YAJ
| 電子ブック版 聖書 新改訳聖書 | | | YAJ
| EB新訂現代日本人名録(4)芸術・芸能・スポーツ | | | YAJ
| グラフィックデータ収録 電子ブック版 大辞林 三省堂 | | | YAJ
| 日英仏辞典 電子ブック版 | | | YAJ
| 25万語医学用語大辞典 | | | YAJ
Title | Title (Non-Latin) | Purchased by | Serial/UPC/EAN/ETC | Note
CD Journal Denshi Book-ban: LD Data Book | CDジャーナル 電子ブック版 LDデータブック | | YRRS 058 | YAJ
Five Star Monogatari Chronicle 3 | ファイブスター物語 クロニクル3 | NovaAurora | | Suruga-ya
| クラウン音声入り 独和辞典 | | | YAJ
Sunrise English Course 3 | | | | YAJ
| 電子ブック版 霊界物語 山口王仁三郎著 | | | YAJ
| 漢和字典「漢字源」全漢字拡大版 | | | YAJ
| DATA PAL データパル 8年分 '91-'98 | | | YAJ
New Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia, The | | | | Non-DIC dump on No-Intro
New Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia, The | | | | Rev 1; Non-DIC dump on No-Intro
Title | Title (Non-Latin) | Purchased by | Serial/UPC/EAN/ETC | Note
Shougakukanhen Chuunichi / Nichi Chuu Jiten Tougouban | 小学館編中日/日中辞典統合版 | | YRRS-280 | Bundled with DD-CH10 Player [1]
Title | Title (Non-Latin) | Purchased by | Serial/UPC/EAN/ETC | Note
| 広辞苑第5版 逆引き広辞苑&新英和・新和英 研究社中辞典 | | | Non-DIC dump on No-Intro YAJ