Getting Started Guide

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Revision as of 20:09, 10 January 2023 by Sadikyo (Talk | contribs)
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The purpose of this page is to give you a brief overview about the process for contributing to redump and assisting the project!

More details can be found in the various sections of the wiki and on the forum, but the general process for contributing is as follows:

Getting Started

  • 1. Request a redump account on the forum.
    • First, please read this thread, then make a post on the forum requesting an account. Please provide a brief reason for your request and how you plan on contributing.
    • Please be patient, as it may take a bit for an admin to approve your account.
    • Once your account is approved, you'll be granted access to more sections of the forum, and you can start contributing!
  • 2. Review the wiki and particularly the Dumping Guides which cover a lot and answer most questions about contributions.
    • If you still have questions, you can reach out on the forum or in the VGPC (Video Game Preservation Collective) Discord.
  • 3. If you've successfully dumped a disc, your first submission will always go on the Forum via a thread.
    • New Dumps is for discs where your hashes do not match any single entry in the redump database.
    • Verifications is for discs where your hashes match an existing entry in the redump database (even if your disc is a new region or variant).
    • IMPORTANT: Please review this thread for guidance on submissions.
    • You can review the thread above, and other existing threads, to see how submissions are normally done. Please reach out if you have any questions.
  • 4. After your first submissions(s) are accepted, you'll eventually get upgraded to 'Dumper' status.
    • From this point forward, any "New Dumps" you have (again, where hashes don't match an existing entry) will now go on the New Disc Form. You can access the New Disc Form by going to the main site, hovering over "Discs," and clicking on "New disc."
    • You will now submit "New Dumps" through this form, as explained in the forum thread under Step 3.
    • IMPORTANT: Verifications will always go on the forum, via threads in the Verifications section.