Sony PlayStation Serials

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This page outlines the standard format that Sony uses to serialize all PlayStation and related discs. In general, the format is four letters followed by five digits, sometimes displayed with a hyphen or space between.
These serials likely originated from industry standard part numbers (規格品番) which are given to media such as CDs and DVDs in Japan as per the Recording Industry Association of Japan's RIS504 standard

NOTE: This page is a WIP



0xxxx are usually SLPS

1xxxx are usually SCPS

4xxxx are usually SCPS

6xxxx are usually SIPS

7xxxx are usually ESPM

8xxxx are usually SLPM

9xxxx are usually P_P_, except

91xxx are usually SCPS/SLPS Rereleases

Retail Serials (S_P_)


First Party Discs

10xxx - Japan original -- CHECK
18xxx - Japan Controller Bundles (002-013) -- 18001 is unknown
19xxx - Japan PlayStation Comic (001-007)
40xxx - Japan EPS Series, music discs (001-005)
45xxx - Asia-region games -- CHECK
46xxx - Korea-region games (001-004), 003 cancelled release
91xxx - Japan rereleases: PlayStation the Best / PSone Books -- CHECK


First Party Bundled/Not-For-Sale Discs

850xx (001-006)
851xx (001 only) - McDonalds Bundle
853xx (001-004)


Non-Japan developed games ported and published by Sony for Japan region

600xx (001-29)


09: MLB Pennant Race, released as PAPX-90008 ?
13: Adidas Power Soccer '97, Unreleased in Japan ?
25: C.A.R.T. World Series	(4948872600255), Unreleased in Japan ?
26: Fire Panic, released as SCPS-10055 ?
29: Jet Moto '98, released as SCPS-10063 ?
Unknown: 14, 17, 24, 28, presumably cancelled


Third Party Discs

0xxxx - Original (0001-03581) -- CHECK
91xxx - Rerelease (001-529) -- CHECK


Third Party Discs

80xxx - Original (001-643) -- CHECK
84xxx - Special? (002-023) -- CHECK, 001 missing
86xxx - ? (001-999) -- CHECK
87xxx - ? (001-423) -- CHECK
89xxx - Bookstore/Special (001-010)

Multimedia Game Serials (E_P_)


Unknown why E prefix

700xx: (001-003 only)

Internal/Not for Sale Serials (P_P_)



PCPD 99501 only


90xxx: PSX (001-110) -- CHECK


902xx: PS2, not PSX (201-237) -- 237 is a PC disc, 213-214 are PS2 discs
903xx: PS2, not PSX (330 only) -- CHECK
905xx: PS2, not PSX(501-524) -- CHECK
96xxx: DVD-Video, not PSX (509, 566, 569, 585)
98xxx: DVD-Video, not PSX (504 only)


950xx: PSX (001-013) -- 012 unknown


952xx: PS2 utility discs, not PSX (201-251)
955xx: PS2, not PSX (501-525)
956xx: PS2 bundle, not PSX (601 only)


960xx: PSX (003-202) -- 127, 145, 202 confirmed


001, 002, 020 are VHS tapes
004, 029-031, 040, 047, 056, 057, 059-062, 065-066, 069, 071-074, 077-079, 086, 089, 097, 099-100, 102, 106-107, 109, 111, 122, 194, 200 are unknown
209, 211, 212, 213 are Audio-CDs released after PSX lifetime
96xxx: PS2 and DVD-Video, not PSX (301-328) -- CHECK -- 302, 330, 603, 627 confirmed PS2
	DVD-Video: 501, 511, 513, 515, 519, 548, 556, 570, 698, 777, 778, 781)
98xxx: PS2 and DVD-Video, not PSX (DVD-Video: 003, 004, 011, 017, 019, 021, 041, 042) -- CHECK -- 017, 041, 042 confirmed PS2


PS2-only, not PSX

PDPX-99109 only, DVD Player update disc


940xx (94009 only)


100xx: PS2 CD, not PSX (10011 only)


97xxx: (001-012) 003-010 unknown


930xx: (08, 10 only)

33 is PS2 CD

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