Flashing Custom JB8 Firmware

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Note: If you have issues or questions with flashing your drive, please ask on the redump forum or VGPC discord. It is much easier to help you before you flash your drive, than after flashing it incorrectly!

Compatible Drives

Redump highly recommends the use of RibShark's custom firmware that is based on MakeMKV's 3.10MK firmware for the ASUS BW-16D1HT. This firmware is cross-flashable on all JB8-based and JB9-based HLDS drives.
Double-check that your drive is a JB8 drive before flashing, some drive models with the same name are not compatible and will brick your drive.

You can determine if your drive will be compatible by reading the sticker's manufacturing date and the PCB date code on your drive. Drives with a manufacturing date of 2015 or earlier are likely to be JB7 (incompatible).
You must ensure that the PCB code says JB8 2015.05.08 (it may be partially obscured by the drive case).

For older HLDS drives that are not JB8-based, many models can still be flashed with firmware versions that enable scrambled reading and can still be dumped with Redumper (with caveats).
For instructions on flashing older LG/ASUS (HLDS JB7/JBC5) drive models, see Flashing Older HLDS Drives

Compatible Drive Models

Model Notes
Asus BC-12D2HT ✱ BD Reader only (cannot burn Blu-rays). Older models cannot be flashed
Asus BW-16D1HT ✱ "BW-16D1HT PRO" model is identical. Older models cannot be flashed..
Note: The "BW-16D1HT a" (a suffix, found on Aliexpress) cannot be flashed.
LG UH12NS40 BD Reader only (cannot burn Blu-rays). CH12NS40 is unknown.
LG WH14NS40 ✱ Only newer models (SVC code NS50) can be flashed.
LG BH14NS40 ✱ Only newer models (SVC code NS50) can be flashed.
LG BH16NS40 ✱ Only newer models (SVC code NS51) can be flashed.
LG WH16NS40 ✱ Only newer models (SVC code NS51) can be flashed.
LG BH16NS50 ✱ Older models (2015, v0495) unknown, may not be able to flash.
LG BH16NS60 JB9-based drive. Can be cross-flashed to RibShark firmware
Removes official UHD support (software for this is deprecated anyway).
LG WH16NS60 JB9-based drive. Can be cross-flashed to RibShark firmware
Removes official UHD support (software for this is deprecated anyway).

✱ Older productions of these drive models are not compatible with the custom firmware (PCB codes JB7 2011.11.17 or JBC5 2012.05.02 are not compatible, typically manufactured 2015 and earlier)

RibShark's Custom Firmware

On 2022-04-04, RibShark released a hacked version of the 3.10 firmware that enabled lead-out reading without using the cache.

Flashing Instructions

Windows Flashing Instructions

  1. Ensure that the latest version of MakeMKV is installed
  2. Download SDFtool Flasher v1.3.5 (see MakeMKV forum for more info)
  3. Download RibShark's custom firmware
  4. Ensure your JB8 drive is connected to the PC and no disc is inserted
  5. Run SDFtool, select your JB8 drive, and select the downloaded firmware bin file. (If you are using v1.3.5 there is no need to toggle the "encrypted" option, it will detect automatically).
  6. Press "Start" (High DPI screens may have an issue with SDFtool, the button may say "STA" or similar).
  7. After it has written the firmware, you must power cycle the drive (disconnect USB adaptor, or turn off PC for internal drives).
  8. Your drive should now be compatible with Redumper, as well as MakeMKV.

Note: If you flash RibShark's firmware on your drive, it will appear in your computer as if it were an ASUS BW-16D1HT. This is intentional and has no bad side effects when dumping or reading discs.
If you are burning important discs with your drive, you may want to flash your stock firmware again (use the updating tool provided by the manufacturer).

Linux Flashing Notes

Use the MakeMKV command line sdftool (bundled with MakeMKV) to flash the custom firmware onto your drive. You will need to check whether your current firmware is encrypted or not (e.g. ASUS BW-16D1HT firmware 3.11 is encrypted).
If you are using Linux, it is assumed you are capable of reading manuals for the specific instructions and operating the commandline on your specific system.

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