Sony PlayStation 3 - PAL Undumped Discs

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Last updated: September 27, 2018




The table below has been created using a variety of sources, but used this list as basis. Games with 'Unconfirmed' in the notes here section have been seen in one or more lists like the one mentioned above, but we haven't found any hard proof yet of its existence (e.g. a photo of the disc). This list is most certainly incomplete, missing various regional variants. Those are very hard to track down.

Number of games currently on the list: 695

Type ↓ ID ↓ Title ↓ Region ↓ Alternate Title(s) ↓ Notes ↓ Bought ↓
BLES 00013 Marvel Ultimate Alliance Europe
BLES 00014 Tony Hawk's Project 8 Europe Maki
BLES 00017 Call of Duty 3 Germany
BCES 00031 SingStar
BCES 00032 SingStar Spain
BLES 00043 The Godfather: The Don's Edition UK (Australia?)
BLES 00044 The Godfather: The Don's Edition France
BLES 00046 Der Pate: Die Don-Edition Germany The Godfather: The Don's Edition
BLES 00047 The Godfather: The Don's Edition Spain AlMagno
BLES 00048 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Europe emuLOAD
BCES 00051 SingStar
BLES 00055 Spider-Man 3 Europe
BLES 00056 Spider-Man 3 Europe
BLES 00059 The Darkness Germany
BLES 00061 Spider-Man 3 UK? Collector's Edition? (00062 is Fr/De/Es/It Collector's Edition)
BLES 00066 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Europe
BCES 00068 Everybody's Golf: World Tour Europe Maki
BLES 00071 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Germany?
BLES 00073 Burnout Paradise Europe
BLES 00077 Conan  ?
BLES 00079 Disney/Pixar Ratatouille En,Swe,Dk,No,It,Gr
BLES 00092 Transformers: The Game Europe
BLES 00093 Transformers: The Game
BLES 00094 Transformers: The Game Spain?
BCES 00096 PlayTV
BLES 00100 PES 2008: Pro Evolution Soccer
BLES 00108 Sega Rally Maki
BLES 00111 PES 2008: Pro Evolution Soccer
BLES 00113 Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War Europe
BLES 00115 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
BLES 00118 NHL 08 Europe
BCES 00123 Heavenly Sword
BLES 00125 Skate Europe
BLES 00137 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 Germany?
BLES 00139 World Series of Poker 2008 Europe
BLES 00140 FIFA 08 Maki
BLES 00143 Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights Europe emuLOAD
BLES 00145 John Woo Presents Stranglehold
BLES 00146 Die Simpsons: Das Spiel Germany The Simpsons Game
BLES 00149 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Germany
BLES 00150 X-Men Origins Wolverine: Uncaged Edition Europe
BLES 00154 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare France
BLES 00155 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Spain
BLES 00158 Assassin's Creed Europe
BLES 00160 TimeShift Germany
BLES 00162 Disney/Pixar Cars: Mater-National Championship Europe
BLES 00169 Haze Russia Maki
BLES 00172 Grand Theft Auto IV
BLES 00176 Need for Speed: ProStreet Europe emuLOAD
BLES 00177 Need for Speed: ProStreet Russia Maki
BLES 00178 MX vs. ATV: Untamed Europe
BLES 00179 MX vs. ATV: Extreme Limite France?
BLES 00183 Conflict: Denied Ops Germany
BLES 00189 Soldier of Fortune: Payback
BLES 00190 Soldier of Fortune: Payback
BLES 00193 The Club Maki
BCES 00195 Buzz! Quiz TV Unconfirmed
BLES 00197 Turning Point: Fall of Liberty De,Fr
BLES 00199 Assassin's Creed Russia Maki
BLES 00201 Unreal Tournament III Germany
BCES 00225 White Knight Chronicles Europe Maki
BCES 00234 SingStar Vol. 2
BCES 00235 SingStar Vol. 2 Spain
BLES 00244 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X Seen on image, but not sure if exists
BLES 00247 Iron Man Europe
BLES 00248 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 Germany
BLES 00252 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Germany? emuLOAD
BLES 00254 LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Europe
BLES 00261 Battlefield: Bad Company Europe Gold Edition
BLES 00263 Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy Russia Robert Ludlum's Конспирация Борна Maki
BCES 00264 SingStar Hits France
BCES 00265 SingStar Vol. 3 Germany
BCES 00266 SingStar Vol. 3 Spain
BCES 00267 SingStar Vol. 3 emuLOAD
BCES 00274 TV App Unconfirmed
BCES 00275 TV App Unconfirmed
BLES 00279 Disney/Pixar WALL-E Russia Disney/Pixar ВАЛЛ-И Maki
BLES 00280 Disney/Pixar WALL-E De,Fr,Nl
BLES 00281 Disney/Pixar WALL-E Italy
BLES 00282 Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
BLES 00283 Disney/Pixar WALL-E Spain
BLES 00284 Disney/Pixar WALL-E Scandinavia
BLES 00288 Assassin's Creed Poland?
BCES 00293 SingStar Pop Edition Australia
BLES 00298 NHL 09 Europe Maki
BCES 00304 Buzz! Quiz TV
BCES 00305 Buzz! Quiz TV
BLES 00320 Fracture Unconfirmed
BLES 00325 Far Cry 2 Russia Maki
BLES 00328 Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Germany
BLES 00334 Fallout 3 France
BLES 00337 Fallout 3 Spain
BLES 00339 Fallout 3 Unconfirmed
BCES 00342 SingStar Pop 2009 Spain
BCES 00343 SingStar Pop Edition Title could be different (regional)
BCES 00344 SingStar Pop Edition Title could be different (regional)
BCES 00345 SingStar A Tutto Pop Italy emuLOAD
BCES 00346 SingStar Hits 2 France
BCES 00348 Buzz! Le Plus Malin des Francais France
BCES 00351 Buzz! Que sabes de tu Pais Spain
BLES 00355 Call of Duty: World at War Germany
BCES 00363 Buzz! Brain of Oz Australia
BCES 00364 Buzz! De Slimste van Nederland Netherlands
BCES 00365 Buzz! Brain of Switzerland Switzerland
BCES 00366 Buzz! Norgemester (see alternate titles) Scandinavia Buzz! Svenska Genier, Buzz! Danske Genier, Buzz! Suomen Neropatti
BCES 00367 Buzz! Polskie Laniglowki Poland
BLES 00375 Saints Row 2 Eastern Europe?
BLES 00376 Tom Clancy's Endwar Unconfirmed
BLES 00377 Saints Row 2 Russia Maki
BLES 00379 Disney Sing It Unconfirmed
BLES 00383 The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon Russia
BLES 00390 Prince of Persia Russia Maki
BLES 00392 Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Europe
BLES 00394 DreamWorks Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Europe
BLES 00395 DreamWorks Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Russia? DreamWorks Мадагаскар 2 Maki
BLES 00398 Fallout 3 Poland? Unconfirmed
BLES 00399 Fallout 3 Germany Unconfirmed
BLES 00400 Fallout 3 Russia Maki
BLES 00402# Cabela's Dangerous Adventures Europe
BLES 00404 Call of Duty: World at War Russia Maki
BLES 00407 007: Quantum of Solace Russia? 007: Квант милосердия Maki
BLES 00411 007: Quantum of Solace Collector's Edition
BLES 00417 Disney Bolt Russia Disney Вольт Maki
BLES 00419 Disney Bolt Unconfirmed
BLES 00420 Brain Challenge Europe
BLES 00421 Score International Baja 1000: World Championship Offroad Racing Europe
BCES 00423 SingStar ABBA Spain
BCES 00440 Buzz! Quiz World
BLES 00441 Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe Europe
BLES 00445 Shaun White Snowboarding Russia Maki
BLES 00447 X-Blades
BLES 00452 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice Europe
BLES 00456 Bionic Commando Unconfirmed
BLES 00457 Call of Duty: World at War Poland?
BCES 00458 Heavy Rain: Move Edition UK?
BCES 00459 Buzz! Quem é o Génio Português? Portugal
BCES 00463 The Shoot Maki
BLES 00467 Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon Europe
BLES 00477 The Godfather II Europe Maki
BLES 00479 Guitar Hero Metallica Europe
BLES 00481 Street Fighter IV Europe
BCES 00484 MotorStorm: Apocalypse Europe
BLES 00489 Skate 2 Germany
BLES 00498 Red Faction: Guerrilla Russia Maki
BLES 00501 The Godfather II Germany
BLES 00508 Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Germany
BLES 00512 Mini Ninjas Europe
BLES 00514 Stormrise Russia Maki
BLES 00515 Stormrise Germany
BLES 00516 Afro Samurai Europe
BCES 00518 SingStar Morgangos Com Acucar Portugal
BCES 00520 SingStar Studio 100 Netherlands
BLES 00521 Mafia II Europe
BLES 00522 Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Europe
BLES 00523 Damnation Unconfirmed
BLES 00525 Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Russia Ледниковый период 3: Эра динозавров Maki
BLES 00527 Wanted: Weapons of Fate Germany
BLES 00528 Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 Europe
BLES 00529 Superstars V8 Racing Europe
BLES 00541 Disney/Pixar Up
BLES 00542 Disney/Pixar Up Spain
BLES 00543 Disney/Pixar Up En,Fr
BLES 00545 Disney/Pixar Up Unconfirmed
BLES 00546 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Europe
BCES 00548 Pain Europe Only Promo is dumped
BLES 00549 Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits Europe
BLES 00554 The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Germany?
BLES 00561 Singularity Germany
BLES 00566 Wolfenstein Germany
BLES 00574 Disney G-Force Scandinavia
BLES 00575 Disney G-Force Russia Disney Миссия Дарвина Maki
BLES 00577 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Europe emuLOAD
BCES 00583 SingStar Mecano Spain
BCES 00584 Planet 51 Europe
BLES 00586 Aliens vs. Predator Russia Maki
BCES 00594 Agarest: Generations of War Europe
BCES 00611 LittleBigPlanet Europe Game of the Year Edition
BLES 00613 Watchmen: The end is nigh Part 1 & 2 Germany? Watchmen: Das Ende Ist Nah Teil 1 & 2
BCES 00614 SingStar Made in Germany Germany
BCES 00617 SingStar Starter Pack
BLES 00618 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
BLES 00619 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
BCES 00621 SingStar Starter Pack Germany
BCES 00622 SingStar Intro Italy LoStraniero91
BCES 00624 SingStar Starter Pack
BCES 00625 SingStar Starter Pack
BCES 00634 SingStar The Wiggles Australia
BCES 00645 Buzz! Quiz World Spain? Buzz! Concurso Universal
BCES 00646 Buzz! Quiz World
BCES 00647 Buzz! Quiz World Greece? Buzz! Παγκόσμιο Quiz
BLES 00649 IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey Russia Ил-2 Штурмовик: Крылатые хищники Maki
BLES 00650 Cross Edge Europe
BLES 00661 Wolfenstein Russia Maki
BLES 00668 Top Spin 4 Europe
BLES 00684 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 France
BLES 00686 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Germany
BLES 00687 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Spain
BLES 00690 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
BLES 00691 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
BLES 00694 Karaoke Revolution Europe
BLES 00695 Tornado Outbreak Europe
BLES 00699 Dragon Age: Origins Europe emuLOAD
BLES 00700 Dragon Age: Origins Poland
BLES 00706 Tony Hawk Ride Europe
BLES 00708 WET Germany
BLES 00710 Lost Planet 2
BLES 00712 Way of the Samurai 3 Europe
BLES 00721 Dragon Age: Origins Russia Dragon Age: Начало Maki
BCES 00726 Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time
BLES 00731 Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! Europe
BLES 00732 Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! Germany
BLES 00733 Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! Spain
BLES 00735 DreamWorks Madagascar Kartz Europe Maki
BLES 00738 Fallout 3 France Game of the Year Edition
BLES 00741 Fallout 3 Spain Game of the Year Edition
BLES 00744 The Saboteur
BCES 00748 Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time
BLES 00751 Assassin's Creed II Poland/Russia
BLES 00754 The Saboteur Unconfirmed
BLES 00765 Prison Break: The Conspiracy Germany
BLES 00766 Prison Break: The Conspiracy Europe
BLES 00771 Superstars V8 Next Challenge Europe
BLES 00772 Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard Europe
BLES 00781 Split/Second: Velocity Maki
BLES 00782 Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! Unconfirmed
BCES 00784 Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz Unconfirmed
BLES 00786 Mafia II Unconfirmed, maybe R.U.S.E.
BLES 00789 Resonance of Fate Europe emuLOAD
BLES 00793 Saw Germany
BCES 00819 Sorcery Only promo dumped
BCES 00829 Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz Finland? Buzz! Suuri Musavisa
BCES 00830 Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz En,Es,Pt Buzz! El Concurso Musical Definitivo
BCES 00831 Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz Greece
BLES 00832 Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes Europe
BLES 00837 DreamWorks Shrek Forever After Europe
BCES 00846 SingStar Chart Hits Australia
BCES 00847 SingStar SuomiHitit Finland
BCES 00852 SingStar Kent Scandinavia
BLES 00854 Two Worlds
BCES 00864 EyePet Move Edition Europe Maki
BCES 00871 SingStar Portugàl Hits Portugal
BCES 00873 SingStar Patito Feo Spain 2 releases: PEGI 3+ without SingStore and PEGI 12+ with SingStore. Possibily different dumps and/or serials.
BLES 00875 3D Dot Game Heroes Europe
BLES 00877 Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3 Russia Disney/Pixar История игрушек: Большой побег Maki
BLES 00878 Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3
BLES 00879 Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3
BLES 00889 Disney Sing It: Family Hits Europe Disney Sing It: Filmhits (Germany)
BLES 00891 Driver: San Francisco Europe
BLES 00895 Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet Europe
BLES 00898 Assassin's Creed II Poland/Russia? Game of the Year Edition Maki
BLES 00900 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Unconfirmed
BLES 00902 Fallout: New Vegas France
BLES 00905 Fallout: New Vegas Spain
BLES 00910 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood UK
BLES 00911 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Poland/Russia? Maki
BLES 00918 F1 2010 Maki
BLES 00919 Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Europe Maki
BLES 00922 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Europe
BLES 00925 Disney TRON: Evolution Poland/Russia Maki
BLES 00936 MySims SkyHeroes Scandinavia?
BCES 00939 SOCOM: Special Forces
BLES 00940 Mafia II Russia Maki
BLES 00946 Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Europe emuLOAD
BLES 00950 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Europe Maki
BLES 00951 Driver: San Francisco Poland/Russia Maki
BLES 00955 Mafia II UK?
BCES 00956 Playstation Move Heroes Europe emuLOAD & Maki
BLES 00961 Madden NFL 11 Unconfirmed
BLES 00964 Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole Europe Maki
BLES 00967 Borderlands Unconfirmed
BCES 00970 Start the Party! Unconfirmed
BLES 00973 Hasbro Family Game Night 3 Europe Unconfirmed
BLES 00975 3D Dot Game Heroes Unconfirmed
BLES 00977 Get Fit with Mel B Europe
BCES 00979 SingStar Guitar Spain
BCES 00981 SingStar Guitar Europe?
BCES 00982 The Sly Trilogy Europe
BLES 00985 Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet Europe Unconfirmed
BLES 00993 Red Faction Armageddon Unconfirmed
BLES 00994 Red Faction Armageddon Unconfirmed
BLES 00995 WWE All Stars Europe
BLES 01011 Summer Challenge: Athletics Tournament Europe
BLES 01013 Call of Duty: Black Ops Unconfirmed
BLES 01021 PES 2011: Pro Evolution Soccer Maki
BLES 01035 Call of Duty: Black Ops Russia Maki
BLES 01044 Create Europe Maki
BCES 01048 DC Universe Online
BCES 01049 Singstar Dance Spain?
BLES 01051 Williams Pinball Classics Europe LoStraniero91
BLES 01052 PES 2011: Pro Evolution Soccer Unconfirmed
BLES 01061 Winter Sports 2011 go for Gold Europe
BLES 01062 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage Europe
BLES 01067 Medal of Honor
BLES 01068 Dance Dance Revolution: New Moves Europe
BLES 01069 Thor: God of Thunder Europe
BLES 01076 Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition
BCES 01083 Singstar: Afrikaanse Treffers South Africa
BLES 01088 MySims SkyHeroes
BLES 01091 Prince of Persia Trilogy Unconfirmed
BLES 01093 Mafia II Russia
BLES 01100 MotoGP 10/11 Europe Maki
BLES 01102 Ar Tonelico Qoga Europe
BCES 01103 SingStar Danske Hits Denmark
BLES 01106 Medal of Honor
BLES 01107 Medal of Honor
BCES 01111 Start the Party!
BLES 01113 Mass Effect 2 Unconfirmed
BCES 01123 Beyond: Two Souls Russia За гранью: Две души Maki
BLES 01124 Grand Theft Auto IV Complete Edition (unconfirmed)
BLES 01135 Michael Jackson: The Experience Europe? emuLOAD
BLES 01138 Far Cry 3 Europe Maki
BCES 01143 inFamous 2 Maki
BLES 01146 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Trilogy Europe Maki
BLES 01149 Dynasty Warriors 7 Europe
BLES 01152 Deus Ex: Human Revolution Maki
BCES 01156 White Knight Chronicles II
BLES 01159 Zumba Fitness Europe
BLES 01165 Mafia II
BLES 01166 Mafia II
BLES 01167 Captain America Super Soldier Europe
BCES 01174 DC Universe Online
BLES 01181 The Lord of the Rings: War in the North Europe Maki
BLES 01183 Warriors: Legends of Troy Europe
BLES 01184 Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll Europe
BLES 01191 My Fitness Coach Club Europe
BLES 01223 Rio Russia? Рио Maki
BLES 01230 Michael Jackson: The Experience Russia Maki
BLES 01241 LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game Poland/Russia Maki
BLES 01242 Disney/Pixar Cars 2
BLES 01243 Disney/Pixar Cars 2
BLES 01244 Disney/Pixar Cars 2
BLES 01245 Disney/Pixar Cars 2
BCES 01258 SingStar Grandes Exitos Spain
BLES 01265 Alice Madness Returns Europe
BLES 01266 Dance! It's Your Stage Europe
BLES 01267 Dead Space 2 En,De
BLES 01270 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters
BCES 01273 Start the Party! Save the World Confirmed emuLOAD & Maki
BLES 01283 Supremacy MMA
BCES 01285 Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
BLES 01286 Sniper: Ghost Warrior
BCES 01289 Puppeteer
BLES 01291 Spider-Man: Edge of Time Europe
BLES 01295 Arcana Heart 3 Europe
BLES 01296 Le Tour de France 2011 Europe
BLES 01305 Agarest: Generations of War Zero Europe
BLES 01306 Adventures of Tin Tin Secret of the Unicorn emuLOAD
BLES 01308 DreamWorks Puss in Boots Europe Maki
BLES 01309 Hunted: The Demon's Forge
BLES 01312 Dead Rising 2
BLES 01316 Air Conflicts Secret Wars Europe
BLES 01321 Major League Baseball 2K11 Europe
BLES 01327 Snipers: Invisible, Silent, Deadly Europe
BLES 01328 Disney/Pixar Cars 2 En,De,Fr,Es,It
BCES 01334 Move Mind Benders Europe Maki
BCES 01335 After Hours Athletes Europe emuLOAD & Maki
BCES 01337 Move Fitness En,De,Ru Maki
BLES 01343 Saints Row: The Third
BCES 01345 LittleBigPlanet 2 Unconfirmed
BCES 01346 LittleBigPlanet 3 Unconfirmed
BLES 01350 Disney Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension Russia Disney Финес и Ферб: Покорение 2-го измерения Maki
BLES 01354 Disney Universe
BLES 01355 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Europe
BCES 01360 DanceStar Party
BCES 01361 DanceStar Party
BLES 01364 Hasbro Family Game Night 4 Europe
BCES 01370 Carnival Island
BLES 01373 DreamWorks Super Star Kartz Europe
BLES 01376 Disney Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension
BLES 01382 FIFA 12
BLES 01384 Assassin's Creed: Revelations emuLOAD
BLES 01385 Assassin's Creed: Revelations Poland/Russia?
BLES 01387 Rayman Origins
BLES 01389 The Darkness II
BLES 01393 Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Russia? Maki
BLES 01401 Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi Europe
BLES 01408 PES 2012: Pro Evolution Soccer
BLES 01409 The King of Fighters XIII Europe
BLES 01410 Grease Dance Europe
BLES 01411 Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012 Europe
BLES 01412 Cabela's Survival Shadows of Katmai Europe
BLES 01413 Monkey Island: Special Edition Collection Europe
BLES 01421 Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle Europe
BCES 01422 LittleBigPlanet Karting
BLES 01426 Rage Russia Maki
BLES 01429 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 France?
BLES 01431 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Germany
BLES 01432 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Spain
BLES 01433 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Russia Maki
BLES 01434 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Poland?
BLES 01440 Armored Core V Europe
BCES 01441 Sing Star Return to the 80's
BLES 01444 Schlag den Raab: Das 2. Spiel Germany
BLES 01451 Ferrari Challenge with Supercar Challenge
BLES 01452 Happy Feet 2
BLES 01459 Catherine Europe
BLES 01461 Motionsports: Adrenaline Europe
BLES 01471 The Cube Europe
BLES 01476 Fallout: New Vegas France Ultimate Edition
BLES 01477 Fallout: New Vegas Italy Ultimate Edition
BLES 01479 Fallout: New Vegas Spain Ultimate Edition (unconfirmed)
BCES 01482 Move Fitness
BLES 01485 The Testament of Sherlock Holmes Europe Maki
BLES 01489 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13: The Masters Unconfirmed
BLES 01496 Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends Europe
BCES 01498 Move Street Cricket
BLES 01506 Just Dance 3 Maki
BCES 01509 Move Fitness
BLES 01512 Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle
BLES 01528 Summer Stars 2012 Europe
BLES 01529 Adidas miCoach Europe Maki
BLES 01533 Prototype 2 Spain
BLES 01534 Prototype 2 Russia Maki
BLES 01535 Prototype 2
BLES 01542 Disney/Pixar Brave
BLES 01548 Dirt 3 Europe Complete Edition
BLES 01554 Zone of the Enders HD Collection
BLES 01563 Damage Inc: Pacific Squadron WWII Europe
BLES 01579 Game of Thrones Europe
BLES 01582 Assassin's Creed + Assassin's Creed II GOTY
BLES 01588 Warriors Orochi 3 Europe
BLES 01590 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 + Ghost Recon 2 Advanced Warfighter
BLES 01591 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas + Splinter Cell Double Agent
BLES 01596 Back to the Future: The Game Europe
BCES 01598 Sports Champions 2 Europe/Russia emuLOAD & Maki
BLES 01604 Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers Europe
BLES 01610 Worms Collection Europe
BLES 01618 The Amazing Spider-Man Maki
BLES 01622 Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL Europe
BLES 01624 DreamWorks Madagascar 3 Europe Maki
BLES 01633 Disney/Pixar Brave
BLES 01639 Sleeping Dogs Poland/Russia? Maki
BLES 01641 Hitman Absolution Russia Maki
BLES 01643 Agarest: Generations of War 2 Europe
BCES 01645 Doctor Who The Eternity Clock Europe
BLES 01647 SBK Generations Europe
BLES 01654 Enemy Front
BLES 01656 Max Payne 3
BLES 01657 Dragon Age: Inquisition Europe Maki
BLES 01659 Need for Speed: Most Wanted emuLOAD & Maki
BCES 01663 LittleBigPlanet 3 Russia Maki
BLES 01665 F1 2012 Maki
BLES 01669 Assassin's Creed III Eastern Europe Maki
BLES 01675 Dishonored
BLES 01677 FIFA 13
BLES 01680 Borderlands 2 Unconfirmed
BLES 01686 Ice Age 4: Continental Drift: Arctic Games Europe
BLES 01688 Ice Age 4: Continental Drift: Arctic Games Russia Ледниковый период 4: Континентальный дрейф: Арктические игры Maki
BLES 01690 007 Legends Russia? Maki
BCES 01693 LittleBigPlanet 2: Extras Edition Eastern Europe? Maki
BCES 01694 LittleBigPlanet 2: Extras Edition
BLES 01695 Move Street Cricket 2
BLES 01696 Obut Petanque 2
BLES 01702 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Europe Maki
BLES 01703 Schlag den Raab: Das 3. Spiel Germany
BLES 01709 PES 2013: Pro Evolution Soccer Maki
BLES 01710 PES 2013: Pro Evolution Soccer De,Fr,It,Gr
BLES 01712 XCOM: Enemy Unknown Maki
BLES 01714 Dishonored Russia Maki
BLES 01720 Call of Duty: Black Ops II Russia Maki
BLES 01721 WRC 3: FIA World Rally Championship Europe
BLES 01723 Mugen Souls Europe
BLES 01731 South Park: The Stick of Truth
BLES 01732 Angry Birds Trilogy Europe
BCES 01735 SingStar SuomiHuiput Finland
BLES 01736 Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 Europe
BLES 01737 Grid 2 Europe
BLES 01745 Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor Europe Maki
BLES 01746 PES 2013: Pro Evolution Soccer Spain?
BLES 01751 Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Poland/Russia? Maki
BLES 01753 Ben 10 Omniverse Europe Maki
BLES 01754 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 Europe emuLOAD
BLES 01760 DreamWorks Rise of the Guardians Europe
BLES 01764 Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Europe Maki
BLES 01766 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist Europe
BLES 01770 Aliens: Colonial Marines Maki
BLES 01774 Mass Effect Europe Only part of Mass Effect trilogy?
BLES 01776 Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut Europe
BLES 01779 The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Europe
BLES 01781 Tomb Raider Poland/Russia? Maki
BLES 01783 Arcania: The Complete Tale Europe
BLES 01785 Hitman Absolution
BLES 01791 Painkiller Hell & Damnation Europe emuLOAD & Maki
BLES 01795 Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires Europe
BLES 01797 The Smurfs 2 Europe
BLES 01798 Truck Racer Europe
BLES 01804 Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z
BLES 01805 MotoGP 13 Europe
BLES 01810 Fast & Furious: Showdown Europe
BLES 01812 Sniper Elite V2 Europe Game of the Year Edition
BLES 01815 Tales of Xillia Europe Maki
BLES 01817 The Amazing Spider-Man 2
BLES 01833 The Walking Dead Europe
BLES 01834 Tomb Raider UAE?
BLES 01835 The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Russia The Walking Dead: Инстинкт выживания Maki
BCES 01838 God of War Ascension
BLES 01842 Disney Infinity Europe emuLOAD
BLES 01843 Disney Infinity Russia?
BLES 01844 Disney Infinity Scandinavia?
BLES 01848 Time and Eternity Europe
BLES 01849 DreamWorks Turbo Super Stun Squad Europe
BLES 01850 Madden NFL 25 Europe
BLES 01857 Destiny Europe
BLES 01857 Destiny Europe White/Red label promo is known to contain a pre-final build.[1][2]
BLES 01858 Air Conflicts: Vietnam Europe
BLES 01859 Don Bradman: Cricket 14 Europe
BLES 01861 Fast & Furious: Showdown Russia? Maki
BLES 01861# Sleeping Dogs
BLES 01869 Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear Europe
BLES 01874 WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship Europe Maki
BLES 01875 AFL Live 2
BLES 01877 FIFA 14 UAE?
BLES 01878 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist Russia Maki
BLES 01879 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist Europe
BLES 01881 Hot Wheels: World's Best Driver Europe
BLES 01883 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Poland/Russia? Maki
BLES 01884 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag En,Ar
BCES 01888 Beyond: Two Souls Poland? Maki
BLES 01891 The Voice of Germany Vol. 2 Germany
BLES 01896 Rayman Legends Maki
BLES 01899 Ben 10: Omniverse 2
BLES 01900 Ultra Street Fighter IV Europe
BLES 01903 Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts Europe Unconfirmed, could maybe also be Mafia 2 Special Edition?
BCES 01905 Gran Turismo 6
BLES 01907 Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate Europe
BLES 01909 Wolfenstein: The New Order Maki
BLES 01910 Wolfenstein: The New Order
BLES 01911 Nickelodeon SpongeBob Squarepants: Plankton's Robotic Revenge Europe
BLES 01913 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 Europe
BCES 01915 SingStar Suomi Helmet Finland
BLES 01916 The Evil Within Maki
BLES 01922 Diablo III Poland/Russia? Maki
BLES 01924 Dishonored Game of the Year Edition
BLES 01925 Dishonored De,Fr,Es,It Game of the Year Edition
BLES 01926 Dishonored Game of the Year Edition
BLES 01931 PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer Unconfirmed
BLES 01932 PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer Unconfirmed
BLES 01933 Watch Dogs
BLES 01934 Watch Dogs Poland/Russia Maki
BLES 01935 PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer UAE?
BLES 01937 WWE 2K14 Europe Maki
BLES 01940 The Guided Fate Paradox Europe
BLES 01941#2 Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z Europe Promo dump only
BLES 01948 Call of Duty: Ghosts Poland/Russia? Maki
BCES 01949 Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus Europe
BLES 01950 Dragon's Crown Europe
BLES 01954 Saint's Row IV
BLES 01960 Angry Brids: Star Wars Russia?
BLES 01961 Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON"T KNOW! Europe
BLES 01962 Tales of Xillia 2 Europe
BLES 01966 Skylanders: Swap Force Russia Maki
BLES 01967 Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition Europe
BLES 01968 Assassin's Creed: Heritage Collection Europe
BLES 01973 Worms: The Revolution Collection Europe
BLES 01975 The Walking Dead Europe Game of the Year Edition
BLES 01976 Minecraft Europe Maki
BLES 01978 NASCAR '14 Europe
BLES 01981 Sniper Elite III Europe Maki
BLES 01983 Kick Ass 2 Europe
BLES 01984 MXGP: The Official Motocross Videogame Europe
BLES 01987 The Witch and the Hundred Knight Europe
BLES 01989 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 En,De,Fr,Es,It
BLES 01990 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Maki
BLES 01992 Atelier Escha and Logy Alchemists of the Dusk Sky Europe
BLES 01993 IHF Handball Challenge 14 Europe
BLES 01996 MotoGP 14 Europe
BLES 01997 Deception IV: Blood Ties Europe emuLOAD
BLES 01999 Metro: Last Light Complete Edition
BLES 02000 Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments Europe
BLES 02001 South Park: The Stick of Truth Russia South Park: Палка Истины Maki
BLES 02002 South Park: The Stick of Truth Unconfirmed
BLES 02005 DreamWorks How To Train Your Dragon 2 Europe
BLES 02008 Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Europe
BLES 02012 Far Cry 4 Russia Maki
BLES 02018 Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Europe
BLES 02021 Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare Europe Maki
BLES 02022 Mugen Souls Z Europe
BCES 02025 SingStar Ultimate Party Australia?
BLES 02028 Syberia Collection Europe
BLES 02029 Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd Europe
BLES 02030 Madden NFL 15 Europe
BLES 02032 MX vs. ATV: Supercross Europe
BLES 02036 Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Poland/Russia? Maki
BCES 02043 SingStar Ultimate Party Europe
BLES 02049 FIFA 15 UAE?
BLES 02055 Skylanders: Trap Team Europe
BLES 02059 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Unconfirmed
BLES 02062 Assassin's Creed: Rogue Russia? Assassin's Creed: Изгой Maki
BLES 02063 Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom Europe
BLES 02065 Disney Infinity 2.0: Play Without Limits Scandinavia
BLES 02066 Disney Infinity 2.0: Play Without Limits Ru,Po,Ar Maki
BCES 02068 LittleBigPlanet 3 UAE?
BLES 02071 Digimon: All-Star Rumble Europe
BLES 02072 WWE 2K15 Europe
BLES 02074 Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze Europe emuLOAD
BLES 02076 Watch Dogs UAE?
BLES 02077 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Europe
BLES 02078 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Poland/Russia Maki
BLES 02079 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare UAE
BLES 02081 GRID Autosport Not sure if limited-edition only
BLES 02085 Assassin's Creed: Birth of a New World: The American Saga
BLES 02086 Rugby 15 Europe
BLES 02087 Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star Europe
BLES 02088 PES 2015: Pro Evolution Soccer En,De,Fr,Es,It,Nl,Gr,Ru,Tr,Pt,Se Maki
BLES 02089 PES 2015: Pro Evolution Soccer
BLES 02090 40 Principales Karaoke Party Spain
BLES 02096 Dragon Ball Xenoverse Europe
BLES 02097 Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed Europe
BLES 02098 The Wolf Among Us Europe
BLES 02099 The Walking Dead: Season Two: A Telltale Games Series Europe
BLES 02100 Disney Infinity 2.0: Play Without Limits
BLES 02101 F1 2014
BLES 02103 Motorcycle Club Europe
BLES 02107 Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Europe
BCES 02112 SingStar Frozen Germany?
BCES 02113 SingStar Frozen Portugal
BLES 02115 Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord Europe
BLES 02116 Ultimate Stealth Triple Pack: Thief + Hitman + Deus Ex: Human Revolution Europe
BLES 02117 Ultimate Action Triple Pack: Just Cause 2 + Sleeping Dogs + Tomb Raider Europe
BCES 02118 SingStar Frozen Poland/Russia
BLES 02121 Ultimate Action Triple Pack: Just Cause 2 + Sleeping Dogs + Tomb Raider Italy/Spain
BLES 02124 Ultimate Stealth Triple Pack: Thief + Hitman + Deus Ex: Human Revolution Europe
BLES 02126 Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!! Europe emuLOAD
BLES 02127 Under Night In-Birth: Exe:Late Europe
BLES 02130 Motorbike Racing Pack: MotoGP 13 + SBK Generations + Mud
BLES 02131 One Piece: Pirate Warriors + Pirate Warriors 2
BLES 02134 Teslagrad Europe
BLES 02135 Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Maki
BLES 02136 J-Stars Victory Vs+ Europe
BLES 02137 Hyperdimension Neptunia Hypercollection Europe
BLES 02138 The Arland Aterlier Trilogy Europe
BLES 02139 Madden NFL 16 Europe
BLES 02142 Steins;Gate Europe
BLES 02143 Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea Europe
BLES 02147 Disney Infinity 3.0 Europe
BLES 02148 Disney Infinity 3.0 Scandinavia?
BLES 02152 Tales of Zestiria Europe
BLES 02154 Space Hulk Europe
BLES 02155 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan Europe
BLES 02156 Tales of Symphonia: Chronicles
BLES 02157 XBlaze: Code: Embryo Europe
BLES 02162 MotoGP 15 Europe
BLES 02163 FIFA 16 UAE?
BLES 02165 WRC 5 Europe
BLES 02168 Call of Duty: Black Ops III
BLES 02172 Skylanders: SuperChargers Europe At least it,es. Starterpack only?
BLES 02173 Le Tour de France 2015 Europe
BLES 02179 Just Dance 2016 Europe Maki
BLES 02180 Guitar Hero Live Europe
BLES 02181 Saint Seiya: Soldier's Soul Europe
BLES 02183 Rayman Legens + Rayman Origins Europe?
BLES 02185 Rugby League Live 3
BLES 02186 Rugby Challenge 2
BLES 02187 PES 2016: Pro Evolution Soccer En,De,Fr,Es,It,Gr,Ru,Pt Maki
BLES 02188 PES 2016: Pro Evolution Soccer
BLES 02190 WWE 2K16 Europe emuLOAD
BLES 02193 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 Europe
BLES 02194 Red Dead Redemption Game of the Year Edition
BLES 02198 The Disgaea Triple Play Collection Europe
BLES 02200 Transformers: Devastation Europe
BLES 02201 Los 40 Principales: Karaoke Party Vol. 2
BLES 02202 Tower of Guns Europe Certainly Special Edition, not sure about standard edition
BLES 02203 Far Cry 3 + Far Cry 4: Double Pack Europe?
BLES 02204 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag + Assassin's Creed: Rogue Double Pack Europe?
BLES 02208 Rayman Legens + Rayman Origins Russia?
BLES 02210 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Europe
BLES 02211 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag + Assassin's Creed: Rogue Double Pack Russia?
BLES 02212 Far Cry 3 + Far Cry 4: Double Pack Russia?
BLES 02215 Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Europe
BLES 02218 Borderlands Triple Pack Add-On Installation Disc Europe Bundled with BLES-82007
BLES 02221 Naruto Shippiden: Ultimate Ninja: Storm Collection
BLES 02222 Tales of Xillia + Tales of Xillia 2
BLES 02225 Madden NFL 17 Europe
BLES 02227 Aegis of Eath: Protonovus Assault Europe
BLES 02228 PES 2016: Pro Evolution Soccer
BLES 02229 PES 2016: Pro Evolution Soccer
BLES 02231 Just Dance 2017 Europe
BLES 02232 Guilty Gear XRD: Revelator Europe
BLES 02238 PES 2017: Pro Evolution Soccer
BLES 02239 WWE 2K17 Europe
BLES 02240 Skylanders: Imaginators Europe
BLES 02244 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Europe
BLES 02246 Minecraft: Story Mode: A Telltale Games Series: The Complete Adventure Europe
BLES 02249 Disney/Pixar Cars 3: Driven To Win Europe
BLES 02251 FIFA 18
BLES 02254 Just Dance 2018 Europe
BLES 82007 Borderlands Triple Pack Gameplay Disc Europe Bundled with BLES-02218
UKN UKN The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief
UKN UKN Raven's Cry
UKN UKN Sacrilegium Europe
UKN UKN The Dark Eye: Demonicon Das schwarze Auge: Demonicon
UKN UKN guardians of middle earth
UKN UKN Plants vs. Zombies Europe
UKN UKN SingStar Svenska Stjärnor Sweden
UKN UKN Until Dawn

Game Versions

The table below lists serial variations that haven't been dumped yet. It could be that those contain different (newer/older) versions of the games, but it could also very well be that these serials match existing dumps/serials. A short explanation of the serials-suffixes:

  • #, #2, #3 etc. often means it is an updated revision of the game. But not always. Sometimes only a # version can be found 'in the wild' and a non-# doesn't seem to exist.
  • /E is for the PlayStation Essentials version of the game.
  • /P is for the PlayStation Platinum version of the game.
  • /SE /CE is for Special Edition and Collector's Edition, but this serial is usually only found on the box and not on the disc as the disc itself usually matches the standard retail version and are therefore also not included in the list below.

Note: there are also serials without any suffix in the table below, that means that a suffix-version has already been dumped but the non-suffix version hasn't.

Note 2: this list is most likely incomplete. Feel free to expand the list if you come across other serials.

Type ↓ ID ↓ Title ↓ Region ↓ Alternate Title(s) ↓ Notes ↓ Bought ↓
BLES 00016 Call of Duty 3 Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00021 Call of Duty 3 Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00029 Virtua Fighter 5 Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00039 Armored Core 4 Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00043# The Godfather: The Don's Edition UK Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00056#3 Spider-Man 3 Europe Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00065/P Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00074 Burnout Paradise Europe Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00078/E Heavenly Sword Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00103 Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00133/P FIFA 08 Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00146# Die Simpsons: Das Spiel Germany The Simpsons Game Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00149/P Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Germany Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00157 Haze Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00163/P# The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Game of the Year Edition Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00174 Medal of Honor: Airborne Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00175 Need for Speed: ProStreet Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00176/P Need for Speed: ProStreet Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00231 Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00248/P# Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 Germany Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00248/P#2 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 Germany Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00255 Monster Madness: Grave Danger Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00259/P# Battlefield: Bad Company Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00278 Disney/Pixar WALL-E UAE, Poland? Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00288/E Assassin's Creed Poland? Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00309 Dead Space Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00330 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00382 The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00402 Cabela's Dangerous Adventures Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00424 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00441/E Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00458/P Heavy Rain: Move Edition UK? Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00484/P MotorStorm: Apocalypse Europe Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00484/P# MotorStorm: Apocalypse Europe Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00510/E God of War III Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00538 Fight Night Round 4 Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00578 Guitar Hero: Van Halen Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00602 DJ Hero Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed (probably does not exist)
BCES 00609 inFamous Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00652 Midnight Club: Los Angeles Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00673 Colin McRae: DiRT 2 Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00678 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00684/P Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 France Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00686/P Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Germany Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00698/P Borderlands Germany Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00727 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves UK Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00730 Dragon Age: Origins UK? Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00736/E Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00748/E Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00753/P James Cameron's Avatar: The Game Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00753/P# James Cameron's Avatar: The Game Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00755 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Complete Edition Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00755/E Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Complete Edition Undumped Serial Version
BCES 00757/E Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00758 Bakugan Battle Brawlers Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00767# Star Ocean: The Last Hope International Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00774 SBK 10 Superbike World Championship Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00879/E Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3 Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00891/P Driver: San Francisco Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00897 Assassin's Creed II GOTY UK? Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00898/E Assassin's Creed II GOTY Poland/Russia? Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00899 Assassin's Creed II GOTY Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00906 Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00911/E Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Poland/Russia? Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00922/E Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00934 LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00949 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 00951/E Driver: San Franciso Poland/Russia Undumped Serial Version
BLES 00978 Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01009 Mindjack Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01076#2 Dragon Age: Origins: Ultimate Edition Undumped Serial Version
BCES 01086 LittleBigPlanet 2 Undumped Serial Version
BLES 01093/P Mafia II Russia Undumped Serial Version
BLES 01137 Far Cry 3 Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01145 Mayhem Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01246 Disney/Pixar Cars 2 Russia Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01281 Sniper: Ghost Warrior Undumped Serial Version
BLES 01347 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01367 Supremacy MMA Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01371 Syndicate Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01416 Wanted Corp. Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BCES 01509/E Move Fitness Undumped Serial Version
BLES 01510 Rayman Origins Undumped Serial Version
BLES 01527 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01550 Rune Factory: Oceans Undumped serial version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01672 One Piece: Pirate Warriors Undumped serial version, likely new version
BLES 01698 DmC: Devil May Cry Europe Undumped serial version, unconfirmed
BLES 01747 Saints Row: The Third Undumped serial version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01811 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01847 Earth Defense Force 2025 Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01853 NHL 14 Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01861 Sleeping Dogs Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01889 Saints Row IV Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01901 Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01941 Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z Europe Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01951 Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst Undumped Serial Version, Unconfirmed
BLES 01956 Dead Island: Riptide Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 02012/E Far Cry 4 Undumped Serial Version
BLES 02070/E Kingdom Hearts: HD 2.5 ReMIX Europe Undumped Serial Version
BLES 02088/E PES 2015: Pro Evolution Soccer Undumped Serial Version

Review Code

"Review Code" demos are not Promos. Review Code are officially pressed and labeled discs that should be different from final retail release, despite sometimes sharing the same serial number as retail release. This list should only include pressed BD-Rom discs NOT BD-R review discs (which, like other betas, are impossible to properly track a list down for).

BCES-?????	Beyond Two Souls (press kit) [3]
BCES-00510	God of War III [4]
BCES-01893	Gran Turismo 6 ("Review Disc" press kit)
[Unknown]	Last of Us, The (version with graphic on disc)
BCES-00484	MotorStorm: Apocalypse
BCES-00293/REV	SingStar Pop Edition [5]
BCES-00494/REV	SingStar Queen ("Review Disc")
BCES-01010/R 	Twisted Metal
[none on label]	Uncharted 2 (in press kit)
BCET-00029 	Wonderbook: Book of Spells ("Review Disc" from press kit) - BOUGHT user7


????-?????	3D Gaming Pack[6] (Europe, Australia same release?)
BCED-01573	Official PlayStation Magazine Issue 78
BCED-01574	Official PlayStation Magazine Issue 79
BCED-01576	Official PlayStation Magazine Issue 81
BCED-01817	Official PlayStation Magazine Issue 82
BCED-01818	Official PlayStation Magazine Issue 83
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