Microsoft Xbox 360 - PAL Undumped Discs

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Missing: UNKNOWN # of Discs | Updated: 08/09/2018



This list is very incomplete.

Serial Spine serial Region Bought Title Barcode Other Comments
Europe 007 Legends 5 030917 113710
5 030917 113727
5 030917 113758
5 030917 113765
5 030917 119200
Should match the USA release
Australia 007 Legends 5 030917 108594
Europe 007: Blood Stone 5 030917 090769
5 030917 091506
5 030917 091520
Should match the USA release
Australia 007: Blood Stone 5 030917 092114
Europe 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 5 030945 112402 >
5 030949 112408 >
Australia 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 5 030944 112403 >
Europe 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 5 030948 113154 > Champions Edition
Australia 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 5 030936 113166 > Champions Edition
FS-2001 FS200102E0X11 Europe A-Train HX 8 023171 012957
8 023171 012964
8 023171 012995
8 023171 013008

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon 3 391891 955751
3 391891 955782
3 391891 955799
3 391891 955836
3 391891 955867
3 391891 958417
3 700577 003639
3 391891 955881

Adidas miCoach 8 023171 031217
8 023171 031224
8 023171 031255
8 023171 031262
8 023171 031200

Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! 3 391891 973335
3 391891 973373
3 391891 973380
Should match the USA release
Europe Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations 8 154030 104282 Should match the USA release
Australia Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations 8 154030 104336
Europe Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom 8 154030 103247
8 154030 103261
Australia Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom 8 154030 103292
Europe Adventures of Tintin, The: The Secret of the Unicorn
Aventures de Tintin, Les: Le Secret de la Licorne
Abenteuer von Tim und Struppi, Die: Das Geheimnis der Einhorn
Avventure di Tintin, Le: Il Segreto dell'Unicorno
Avonturen van Kuifje, De: Het Geheim van de Eenhoorn
3 307215 594209
3 307215 590102
3 307215 594247
3 307215 594261
3 307215 594278
Australia Adventures of Tintin, The: The Secret of the Unicorn 3 307215 594322
HE-2002 HE200201E0X11EUR Australia AFL Live 9 312590 111174
Australia AFL Live 2 9 312590 111433
Europe Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers 4 260231 340559
4 260231 340580
4 260231 340801
Australia Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers 4 260231 340764
Europe Air Conflicts: Secret Wars 4 260231 340207
4 260231 340252
Australia Air Conflicts: Secret Wars 4 260231 340221
Europe Air Conflicts: Vietnam 4 260231 341006 Should match the USA release
Europe Akai Katana 5 060102 953227
5 060102 953234
5 060102 953258
Europe Alice: Madness Returns 5 030932 097149 >
5 030947 097141 >
Should match the USA release
Australia Alice: Madness Returns 5 030941 097147 >
Europe Alien Breed Trilogy 3 325120 106041
5 050740 024250
5 050740 024267
5 050740 024274
5 050740 026636

Alien: Isolation 5 055277 023677
5 055277 023684
5 055277 024445
5 055277 024469
5 055277 024490
5 055277 024858
5 055277 023639
Should match the USA release
Europe All Round Hunter
Europe Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 5 060288 220014

Anarchy Reigns 5 055277 015467
5 055277 020997
5 055277 021017
5 055277 021031
5 055277 021048
5 055277 021062
5 055277 021055
Should match the USA/Japan release
Europe Angry Birds Star Wars 5 030917 132230
5 030917 132247
5 030917 132254
5 030917 132261
5 030917 132278
Should match the USA release
Australia Angry Birds Star Wars 5 030917 130007
Europe Apache: Air Assault 5 030917 089480
5 030917 089497
5 030917 092152
Australia Apache: Air Assault 5 030917 094064
Europe Arcana Heart 3 4 510772 105729
4 510772 105996
4 510772 106047
4 510772 106054
4 510772 106061
4 510772 106108
4 510772 106115
4 510772 106863

Arcania: Gothic 4 4 012160 020824
9 006113 002604
9 006113 173106
9 006113 173113
9 006113 173120
9 006113 173137
9 006113 173144
9 006113 173403
9 006113 173410
9 006113 173441
Should match the USA release
FS-2006 FS200604E0X11 Europe Armored Core 4 8 023171 010007
8 023171 010076
8 023171 010090
8 023171 010106

Armored Core V 3 391891 959568
3 391891 959575
3 391891 961783
3 391891 959605
Europe Armored Core: For Answer 3 307211 504479
3 307211 504486
3 307211 504516
3 307211 504523
3 307211 504530
Australia Armored Core: For Answer 3 307211 504462
Europe Armored Core: Verdict Day 3 391891 971584
3 391891 971591
Ashes Cricket 2009 5 024866 339871
5 024866 339901
Europe Asterix at the Olympic Games 3 546430 136300
3 546430 136317
3 546430 136331
KN-2012 KN201202E0X11 Europe Dancing Stage Universe 4012927032978
Italy LoStraniero91 (Will rebuy) Halo 3: ODST 8 82224 75175 9 Different text languages, only Italian voices (Disc 2 matches other releases)

Disc 1 (Campaign)

Italy LoStraniero91 Halo 4 8 85370 43992 2 Different text languages, only Italian voices (Disc 2 matches other releases)

Disc 1 (Game)



Fifa 08
Kinect v1.3 (kiosk) - bought BuffaloJoe
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (bonus disc to Zone of the Enders)
Perfect Dark Zero
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction

Compilation Demos

The Experience Disc 1.0[1]

Australian Magazine Demos

Most Australian magazine demos matched UK versions. However the Australian edition extended longer.

Xbox 360: The Official Australian Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 99 (serial IM-2145?, should match[2])
Xbox 360: The Official Australian Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 100 (serial IM-2146?)
Xbox 360: The Official Australian Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 101 (serial IM-2147?)
Xbox 360: The Official Australian Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 102: January 2014 (serial IM-2148?)
Xbox 360: The Official Australian Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 103: February 2014 (serial IM-2149?)
Any after Demo 105: April 2014?[3]

France Magazine Demos

Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 01
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 02
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 03
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 04
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 05
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 06
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 07
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 08 (June)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 10
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 11
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 12
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine13
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 14
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 15
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 16
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 17
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 18
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 19
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine 20 (how far does it go?)

UK Magazine Demos


  • The final UK magazine for Xbox 360 was Demo 104: November 2013.
  • (?) = assumed date, needs confirmation.
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 1: (?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 2: (?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 3: January 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 4: February 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 5: March 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 6: April 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 7: May 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 8: June 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 9: July 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 10: August 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 11: September 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 12: October 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 13: November 2006(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 14: December 2006
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 15: Christmas - bought wigggy
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 16: January 2007
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 17: February 2007
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 18: March 2007
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 19: April 2007
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 20: May 2007(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 21: June 2007(?)
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 22: July 2007
Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 23: August 2007

Germany Magazine Demos

Lots of yellow status German magazine demos in redump that need redumping.

Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 13/2006
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 01/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 02/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 03/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 04/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 05/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 06/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 07/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 08/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 09/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 10/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 11/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 12/2007
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 1/2008
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 2/2008
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 3/2008
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 4/2008
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 5/2008
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 6/2008
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 7/2008
Xbox 360: Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin: Demo Disk 8/2008 (final issue)
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