Flashing Custom JB8 Firmware

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This page will one day be populated with instructions to flash with this firmware - if anyone ACTUALLY wants people to test it out.

Possibly related?

Work has began and is under construction by olofolleola4.

The reason (as of 2020-Mar-15) why LG/Asus BD ODDs needs to be flashed into Asus BW-16D1HT 3.02 (DE - Downgrade Enable) (most probably ODDs using PCB: JB8 2015.05.08) is because that firmware supports Lead-in and the OpCode 0xf1[1][2] (normally used by Plextors to read the EEPROM, but in the case with Asus BW-16D1HT 3.02, it reads the cache) to read 1 sector[3] of Lead-out through cache.


  • Microsoft Windows or GNU/Linux(-libre)
  • SATA controller in IDE mode(?) or USB to SATA Controller (olofolleola4 tested this with JMicron JM20337)
  • A stable power source for both the ODD and computer.
  • For now, ASUS_ODD_FW_Changer_(Modified) (24.08.2019), which mean GNU/Linux(-libre) isn't supported by the current instructions.

Some notes before you begin: After each file have been sucessfully flashed, it's a good idea to power cycle the ODD, either by disconnecting the SATA Power cable or by restarting the computer.

  • Asus BW-16D1HT with firmware 3.00 --> 3.10:

First flash 3.10MK (filename: ASUS-BW-16D1HT-3.10-WM01601-211901041014.bin, SHA1: 303a00628bbf67ee8ba61757d61c370e45bd4451), then flash ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.02 (DE) (SHA1: 8c2337460205850428fd97d42b227403870ccf6b).

  • LG (HL-DT-ST) WH14NS40 (SVC CODE: NS50) 1.02:

First flash 3.10MK (filename: ASUS-BW-16D1HT-3.10-WM01601-211901041014.bin, SHA1: 303a00628bbf67ee8ba61757d61c370e45bd4451), then flash ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.02 (DE) (SHA1: 8c2337460205850428fd97d42b227403870ccf6b).


  • Provide compressed archive with all the ASUS_ODD_FW_Changer files in the near future!
  • Specific instruction for GNU/Linux(-libre):

sudo wine ASUS_ODD_FW_Changer_-_FIRMWARE.exe