Redumper status

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redumper acceptance table

Minimum Supported Version: build 151

Disc Type System Code System Name Verifications Accepted New Dumps Accepted Development Status Notes
CD ARCH Acorn Archimedes yes untested complete should work
CD MAC Apple Macintosh yes untested fetch version? should work
CD AJCD Atari Jaguar CD Interactive Multimedia System yes yes complete
CD AUDIO-CD Audio CD yes yes complete
CD PIPPIN Bandai Pippin yes untested complete should work
CD QIS Bandai Playdia Quick Interactive System yes untested fetch EXE date? should work
Blu-ray BD-VIDEO BD-Video no no planned
CD ACD Commodore Amiga CD yes untested fetch EXE date? should work
CD CD32 Commodore Amiga CD32 yes untested fetch EXE date? should work
CD CDTV Commodore Amiga CDTV yes untested fetch EXE date? should work
DVD DVD-VIDEO DVD-Video no no planned CSS not implemented
CD FMT Fujitsu FM Towns series yes yes fetch EXE date?
CD FPP funworld Photo Play yes untested complete should work
CD HVN Hasbro VideoNow no no needs proper offset detection will dump with offset 0
CD HVNC Hasbro VideoNow Color no no needs proper offset detection will dump with offset 0
CD HVNJR Hasbro VideoNow Jr. no no needs proper offset detection will dump with offset 0
CD HVNXP Hasbro VideoNow XP no no needs proper offset detection will dump with offset 0
HD DVD HDDVD-VIDEO HD DVD-Video no no planned
CD PC IBM PC compatible yes no needs securom and safedisc support, potentially other protections otherwise if dumped, should match
DVD PC IBM PC compatible no no planned
CD ITE Incredible Technologies Eagle yes untested complete should work
CD KEA Konami e-Amusement yes untested fetch EXE date/serial? should work
DVD KEA Konami e-Amusement no no planned
CD KFB Konami FireBeat yes untested fetch EXE date/serial? should work
DVD KFB Konami FireBeat no no planned
CD KM2 Konami M2 yes untested fetch EXE date/serial? should work
CD KS573 Konami System 573 yes untested fetch serial? should work
CD KSGV Konami System GV yes untested fetch EXE date/serial? should work
CD KT Konami Twinkle unknown unknown unknown nothing in the DB
CD IXL Mattel Fisher-Price iXL yes untested fetch version? should work
CD HS Mattel HyperScan yes untested fetch EXE date/version? should work
CD VIS Memorex Visual Information System yes untested fetch serial? should work
DVD XBOX Microsoft Xbox no no planned
DVD XBOX360 Microsoft Xbox 360 no no planned
Blu-ray XBOXONE Microsoft Xbox One no no planned
Blu-ray XBOXSX Microsoft Xbox Series X no no planned
GD-ROM TRF Namco - Sega - Nintendo Triforce no no planned will dump using trap disc, some MSF work required
FLASH NS12 Namco System 12 unknown unknown unknown nothing in the DB
CD NS246 Namco System 246 yes untested complete should work
DVD NS246 Namco System 246 no no planned
CD NAVI21 Navisoft Naviken 2.1 yes untested fetch EXE date? should work
CD PCE NEC PC Engine CD & TurboGrafx CD yes yes complete
CD PC-88 NEC PC-88 series yes untested complete should work
CD PC-98 NEC PC-98 series yes untested complete should work
CD PC-FX NEC PC-FX & PC-FXGA yes untested complete should work
CD NGCD Neo Geo CD yes yes fetch EXE date should work
DVD GC Nintendo GameCube no no planned
DVD WII Nintendo Wii no no planned
Blu-ray WIIU Nintendo Wii U no no planned
CD PALM Palm OS yes untested complete should work
CD 3DO Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer yes yes complete
CD M2 Panasonic M2 yes untested complete should work
CD CDI Philips CD-i yes yes complete
CD PHOTO-CD Photo CD yes yes complete
CD PSXGS PlayStation GameShark Updates yes yes complete
CD PPC Pocket PC yes untested complete should work
GD-ROM CHIHIRO Sega Chihiro no no planned will dump using trap disc, some MSF work required
GD-ROM DC Sega Dreamcast no no planned will dump using trap disc, some MSF work required
DVD LINDBERGH Sega Lindbergh no no planned
CD MCD Sega Mega CD & Sega CD yes yes complete
GD-ROM NAOMI Sega Naomi no no planned will dump using trap disc, some MSF work required
GD-ROM NAOMI2 Sega Naomi 2 no no planned will dump using trap disc, some MSF work required
CD SP21 Sega Prologue 21 Multimedia Karaoke System yes untested complete should work
DVD SRE Sega RingEdge no no planned
DVD SRE2 Sega RingEdge 2 no no planned
CD SS Sega Saturn yes yes complete
FLASH STV Sega Titan Video unknown unknown unknown nothing in the DB
X68K Sharp X68000 yes untested complete should work
CD PSX Sony PlayStation yes yes complete
CD PS2 Sony PlayStation 2 yes yes complete
DVD PS2 Sony PlayStation 2 no no planned
CD PS3 Sony PlayStation 3 yes yes complete
DVD PS3 Sony PlayStation 3 no no planned
Blu-ray PS3 Sony PlayStation 3 no no planned
Blu-ray PS4 Sony PlayStation 4 no no planned
Blu-ray PS5 Sony PlayStation 5 no no planned
UMD PSP Sony PlayStation Portable no no maybe someday? needs native application
QUIZARD TAB-Austria Quizard yes untested complete should work
IKTV Tao iKTV yes untested complete should work
KSITE Tomy Kiss-Site
VCD Video CD
VFLASH VTech V.Flash & V.Smile Pro
GAMEWAVE ZAPiT Games Game Wave Family Entertainment System