Sega Saturn - Japan Undumped Discs

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Sega Saturn
USA & BrazilEuropeJapan

Page is a work in progress, all entries are serial number specific. Demos and applications need to be added (source list unknown).

  • Refer here to a list of all Japanese Saturn games.
  • Refer here for a list of all Japanese Saturn demos.
  • For reference, here are all Japanese Saturn games in's database.
  • List of known revisions[1] (Needs checking!)


Japan Games

Undumped game titles and editions. Bold ones are unique builds, the rest should match the already dumped editions:

T-6802G		2do Aru Koto ha Sando R Sample 2度あることはサンドアール SAMPLE - "sample" printed on label side additional mould, should match dumped edition
T-32501G	Advanced V.G. - Acquired by Fireball, expected to match dumped variant.
T-7639G		Adventure Pack: Nanatsu no Hikan & Myst *Acquired by wiggy2k??? also *Acquired by AMoC
T-7663G		Angelique Duet (Premium box)
T-4304G		Apo Nashi Gals Olympos (Shokai Gentei Cel-ga Package A)
T-4307G		Apo Nashi Gals Olympos (Shokai Gentei Cel-ga Package C) *Acquired by AMoC
T-8126G         Battlesport -- likely to exist in limited quantities, similar to Scorcher
T-4319G		The Conveni ~Ano Machi wo Dokusen seyo~ (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
???		CRI Channel Web
T-7649G		Daikoukai Jidai II (Premium Pack)
T-14317G	Denpa Shounenteki Game 2
GS-9192		Dynamite Deka (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
T-1245G		Dungeons & Dragons Collection (Kakuchou Ram Cartridge 4MB Fuzoku)
T-7610G		Emit Value Set
T-15022G	Eve Burst Error (Genteiban) - Acquired by Fireball, expected to match dumped variant.
T-15042G	Eve Burst Error & Eve The Lost One Value Pack
T-15032G	Eve Burst Error (Premium Pack) *Acquired by AMoC
T-15040G	Eve the Lost One & Desire Value Pack
T-13301G	From TV Animation Slam Dunk I Love Basketball Sample テレビアニメ スラムダンク アイラブバスケットボール SAMPLE - "sample" printed on label side additional mould, should match dumped edition
XUSE-9812S	Girl Doll Toy: Premium Single CD -- bundled with some copies of [T-37002G] Girl Doll Toy: Tamashii o Kudasai *Acquired by AMoC
T-13309G	Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden II ~Ao wo Uketsugu Mono~ Sample 機動戦士ガンダム外伝Ⅱ 蒼を受け継ぐ者 SAMPLE - "sample" printed on label side additional mould, should match dumped edition
T-13313G	Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden III: Sabakareshi Mono
T-3121G		The King of Fighters '97 (Kakuchou Ram Cartridge-tsuki Okaidoku Set!!)
T-10614G	Magic Carpet (Tokubetsu Genteiban Sega Multi Controller Set)
T-3114G		Metal Slug (Kakuchou Ram Doukon Okaidoku Set!!)
T-7665G		Nanatsu no Hikan (Koei Best Collection)
???		Nomura Home Trade Sample-ban
MOC-VIW02	Plala Green Disc Version 1.0 -- aka GRGS-9701
T-32902G	Radiant Silvergun Sample レイディアント シルバーガン SAMPLE - "sample" printed on label side additional mould, should match dumped edition
T-19506G	Roommate ~Ryouko in Summer Vacation~
T-19716G	Ruriiro no Yuki -- TAC-2 has a copy...
T-7669G		Sangokushi IV (Koei Best Collection)
T-7651G		Sangokushi Koumeiden (Premium Pack)
T-7648G		Sangokushi V (Premium Pack)
T-32105G	Sankyo Fever Jikki Simulation S Vol.3
T-14313G	Saturn Bomberman (Party Pac)
T-32802G	Saturn Music School (MIDI Keyboard Doukon Special Pack)
T-8128G		Scorcher -- will be probably submitted by Loogs some day
L11-9001	SegaSaturn Sound Tools for Macintosh Sega Sound Library Instruments by InVision Vol. 1 (Disc Version '94/8/31)
?12-?00?	SegaSaturn Sound Tools for Macintosh Sega Sound Library Instruments by InVision Vol. 2???
?13-?00?	SegaSaturn ???
?14-?00?	SegaSaturn ???
L15-1001	SegaSaturn SGL Tool Kit SEGA 3D Game Library (Disc Version 1996/4/30)
?18-100?	SegaSaturn ???
A19-1000	SegaSaturn Developer's Documentation Vol.1. Electronic Version Rel.1 (Disc Version '96/4/20)
B20-1000	SegaSaturn Developer's Documentation Vol.2. Electronic Version Rel.1 (Disc Version '96/4/20)
L21-1000	SegaSaturn Development Tool Kit (Disc Version '97/8/25)
610-5732-01	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD00) JVC
610-5732-02	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD01) JVC
610-5732-03	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD02) JVC
610-5732-04	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD00) Columbia
610-5732-05	SegaSaturn System-Disc(KD01) Columbia
T-7641G		Sega Saturn-you Word Processor Set (Digital Camera Taiouban) [EGWORD Ver 2.00]
T-18001G	Seireki 1999 ~Pharaoh no Fukkatsu~ Mihonban 西暦1999 ファラオの復活 見本盤 - "sample" printed on label side additional mould, should match dumped edition
T-22203G	Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard
T-30810G	Shutsudou! Mini-skirt Police
T-1319G		Side Pocket 3 (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
T-10505G	Sotsugyou III Wedding Bell
T-4312G		Standby Say You! (Shokai Gentei Special Package 2) *Acquired by AMoC
T-9116G		Steep Slope Sliders (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
T-7655G		Suikoden ~Tenmei no Chikai~ (Premium Pack)
T-15018G	Taiheiyou no Arashi 2 ~Shippuu no Moudou~ - Acquired by Fireball, expected to match dumped variant.
T-7653G		Taikou Risshiden II (Premium Pack)
T-37602G	Techno Motor (Satakore) *Acquired by AMoC
T-7654G		Teitoku no Ketsudan III (Premium Pack)
T-31501G	Vatlva Sample バトルバ SAMPLE
GS-9201		Virtua Cop 1 - 2 Pack
GS-9154		Virtua Cop 2 Gentei Virtua Gun Set
GS-9180		Virtua Cop Special Pack (Virtua Cop 1 & 2 + The House of the Dead Taikenban)
HSS-0163-T	Voice World Yume Talk Sample
T-27808G	Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku ensemble - Acquired by Fireball, expected to match dumped variant.
T-21511G	Zork Collection *Acquired by AMoC

Japan Revisions

GS-9099		Dennou Senki: Virtual On: Cyber Troopers (Rev A) -- V1.003, ring starts with "GS-9099P-01150A"
GS-9121		Heim Waltz (Rev 0) -- V1.000, ring starts with "GS-9121P-01264"
GS-9168		J. League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! 2 (Rev B) -- V1.014, ring starts with "GS-9168P-01946B"
T-15006G	Kaitei Daisensou (Rev A) -- V1.006, ring starts with "T-15006GP-00554A"
T-27901G	Lunar: Silver Star Story (Rev A) -- V2.00, ring starts with "T-27901GP-01103A"
T-35504G	Nihon Daihyou Team no Kantoku ni Naruu! Sekaihatsu Soccer RPG: Become the Coach for the National Team! (Rev A) -- V1.003, ring starts with "T-35504GP-02298A"
GS-9165		Pro Yakyuu Team mo Tsukurou! -- V1.006, ring starts with "GS-9165P-02147A"
GS-9057		Shining Wisdom (Rev B) -- V1.001, ring starts with "GS-9057P-00416B"
GS-9078		Toushinden S (Rev A) -- V1.210, ring starts with "GS-9078P-00570A"
GS-9064		Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 2: Jacky Bryant (Rev A) -- V1.000, ring starts with "GS-9064P-00487A" *Acquired by AMoC
GS-9038		Wing Arms: Kareinaru Gekitsuiou (Rev B) -- V?.???, ring starts with "GS-9038P-00459B"

Japan Demos

610-6729		Desire Hibaihin Taikenban デザイア 非売品 体験版 --- Madroms
ST-13305G		Dragon Ball Z Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu Taikenban ドラゴンボールZ 偉大なるドラゴンボール伝説 体験版
610-6772		Gaia Breeder Taikenban ガイアブリーダー 体験版
ST-17002G		Game-Ware Soukan Junbigou Hibaihin ゲーム ウェア 創刊準備号 非売品 --- Madroms
ST-22301G (610-6452)	Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Sample 銀河英雄伝説 SAMPLE --- Madroms
ST-14402G (610-6133)	Gunbird Sample ガンバード SAMPLE --- Madroms
ST-4502G (610-6188)	Gungriffon Hibaihin Auto Demo ガングリフォン 非売品 オートデモ --- Madroms
610-6564		Harukaze Sentai V-Force Demo-ban はるかぜ戦隊 Vフォース デモ版
ST-17001G (610-5984)	Heisei Tensai Bakabon Susume! Bakabons Hibaihin Mihonban 平成天才バカボン すすめ! バカボンズ 非売品 見本盤 --- Madroms
SGS-9061		Hideo Nomo World Series Baseball Hibaihin Mihonban 野茂英雄 ワールドシリーズ ベースボール 非売品 見本盤 --- Madroms
ST-21002G (610-6151)	Hiyake no Omoide + Himekuri ~Girls In Motion Puzzle Vol.1~ Hibaihin Sample 日灼けの想い出+姫くり 非売品 SAMPLE --- Madroms
ST-5302G (610-6114)	J. B. Harold Blue Chicago Blues Auto Demo CD J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース オートデモCD
ST-26102G (610-6476)	K-1 Fighting Illusion Shou DEMO-CD Hibaihin K-1 ファイティング イリュージョン 翔 DEMO-CD 非売品
ST-27906G		Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Hibaihin Auto Demo ルナ2 エターナルブルー 非売品 オートデモ
ST-6301G (610-6432)	Master of Monsters ~Neo Generations~ Sample マスター・オブ・モンスターズ 〜ネオ ジェネレーションズ〜 SAMPLE
ST-9109G		Moon Cradle Taikenban ムーンクレイドル 体験版 -- not to be confused with the already dumped 610-6621
ST-7616G (610-6238)	Nanatsu no Hikan Hibaihin Demonstration-you CD-ROM 七つの秘館 非売品 デモンストレーション用CD‐ROM --- Madroms
ST-7605G (610-6108)	Nobunaga no Yabou Tenshouki Hibaihin 信長の野望・天翔記 非売品 --- Madroms
610-7100		Noël 3 Taikenban ノエル3 体験版 --- Madroms
ST-1230G		Pocket Fighter Taikenban ポケットファイター 体験版
610-6834		Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special Sample リアルバウト餓狼伝説スペシャル サンプル
ST-3106G		Samurai Spirits Zankurou Musouken Sample サムライスピリッツ 斬紅郎無双剣 SAMPLE --- Madroms
ST-1302G (610-6040)	Suiko Enbu Sample CD 水滸演武 サンプルCD --- Madroms
610-6222		Tekkyuu True Pinball Demo 鉄球 トゥルー・ピンボール デモ
ST-5708G (610-6371)	Tetris Plus Mihonban テトリスプラス 見本盤 --- Madroms
ST-2301G (610-6143)	The Hyper Golf ~Devil's Course~ Sample-ban ザ・ハイパーゴルフ ~デビルズコース~ サンプル版 --- Madroms
ST-6001G (610-6121)	The King of Boxing Tentou-you Auto Demo キング・オブ・ボクシング 店頭用オートデモ --- Madroms
610-6869		The King of Fighters '97 Sample Hibaihin ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’97 サンプル 非売品 --- Madroms
610-7020		Virtuacall S Taikenban バーチャコールS 体験版
610-XXXX		Yanoman Jigsaw Puzzle Catalog Vol.1 YANOMAN ジグソーパズルカタログ Vol.1

Apparently match another already dumped demos

SATMAGSONO2		SatMag Sono CD Vol.2 サタマガソノCD2

South Korea

Title Native Title Serial Notes
Albert Odyssey Gaiden ~Legend of Eldean~ 알버트 오딧세이 외전 T-26804H-08
Daytona USA 데이토나USA GS-9501J (MK-81200-08)
Daytona USA Championship Circuit Edition 데이토나USA GS-9614J (MK-81213-08 / MK-81044-08)
Impact Racing 임팩트 레이싱 T-26806H-08
NHL Powerplay '96 NHL파워플레이96 T-7012G Japanese CD repacked with Korean manual, it seems.
Nights Into Dreams... 나이츠 - 특별한정판 삼성 멀티패드 세트 GS-9608J2 Teugbyeol Hanjeongpan Samsung Multi Pad Set edition
Panzer Dragoon 팬져 드라군 GS-9502J (MK-81009-08)
Sangokushi IV 三國志Ⅳ T-7601H-08
Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard 신비의 세계 엘하자드 T-26803H-08
Virtua Cop 버쳐캅 GS-9505J (MK-81015-08)
Virtua Cop 2 버쳐캅2 GS-9613J (MK-81043-08) Original release, SamsungSaturn-branded.
Virtua Cop 2 버쳐캅2 GS-9613J (MK-81043-08) Kama Entertainment rerelease, SegaSaturn-branded.
Virtual-On - Cyber Troopers 버철 온 GS-9612J (MK-81042-08) Original release, SamsungSaturn-branded.
World Series Baseball '98 월드시리즈베이스볼98 GS-9xxxJ (MK-81127-08) Original release, SamsungSaturn-branded (does it exist?).
World Series Baseball '98 월드시리즈베이스볼98 GS-9xxxJ (MK-81127-08) Kama Entertainment rerelease, SegaSaturn-branded.


Title Serial Notes
House of the Dead, The MK-80318-40(671-9617E) Japanese CD repacked in Asian cardboard to be sold in China, it seems.
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