Symbols, Logos, and other Special Cases

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Nimbus dots in ringcode

Certain Nimbus mastered discs contain a series of dots at the end of the ringcode (example 3-dot variant). These do not have individual Unicode symbols that can be used, but instead should be captured through a combination of the colon (:) and interpunct (·) symbols, e.g.

  • 1-dot - ·
  • 2-dot - :
  • 3-dot - :·
  • 4-dot - ::
  • 5-dot - :·:



  • maxell CA
  • MPO (If printed more than once, ignore extras)
  • ARC *M1 S2
  • DiscFarm (Accompanying symbols just say "DiscFarm" and "usa" repeatedly, omit)
  • MFG by DiscFarm

Symbols that are omitted

Error Examples

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