List of known Limited Run Games Releases by system and dumping status.
Title | Dump Status | Note
American Hero: Unrated | Missing |
Among Us: Concept Art · Interviews | Dumped | No Game Disc.
Blood: Fresh Supply | Missing |
Boy and His Blob, A | Missing | [2]
Celeste | Missing |
Chex Quest | Dumped |
Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection (Digital Assets Collection) | Missing | No Game Disc.
D | Missing | [3]
Day of the Tentacle | Missing |
Dead Space Collector's Edition | N/A | Steam Code
Detroit: Become Human | N/A | Steam Code
Double Switch | Missing |
Eye of Typhoon, The | Missing | [4]
Frog Fractions 2 / Glittermitten Grove | Dumped |
Full Throttle | Missing |
Gish | Missing | [5]
Grim Fandango | Missing |
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream | Missing | Likely matches 82875 (Sale was NOS)
Kingdom: New Lands | Missing |
LawBreakers | Missing |
Loom | Missing |
Monkey Island: 30th Anniversary Anthology | Dumped 1 2 3 4 | [6]
Night Trap: 25th Anniversary | Missing |
Oddworld: Abe's Origins | Missing | Kickstarter
PixelJunk Monsters 2: Collector's Edition | N/A | Steam Code
PowerSlave | Missing | [7]
Return to Monkey Island | Missing | [8]
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space | Missing |
Sam & Max: This Time It's Virtual! | Missing |
Sam & Max Hit the Road | Missing | [9]
SIGIL | Missing |
Silver Case, The | Dumped |
Spelunky | Missing |
Star Wars Episode I: Racer | Dumped |
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II | Missing |
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy | Missing |
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast | Missing |
Star Wars Jedi Survivor | N/A | Steam Code
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic | Missing |
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords | Missing |
Star Wars: Republic Commando | Missing |
Star Wars: TIE Fighter: Special Edition | Missing |
Star Wars: X-Wing: Special Edition | Missing |
System Shock Enhanced Edition | Missing |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge | Missing |
Thimbleweed Park | Missing |
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap | Missing |
Title | Dump Status | Note
2064: Read Only Memories | Missing |
8-Bit Adventure Anthology Vol. 1 | Dumped | Limited Run #182 [29]
9th Dawn III | Missing |
Aaero | Dumped | Limited Run #143 [30]
Absolute Drift: Zen Edition | Missing |
Absolver | Missing |
Accounting+ (PSVR) | Dumped | Limited Run #272 [31]
Ace of Seafood | Missing |
ADK Damashii | Dumped | Limited Run #315 [32]
Aegis Defenders | Dumped | Limited Run #261 [33]
Afterparty | Dumped | Limited Run #387 [34]
Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings | Missing |
Alone with You | Dumped | Limited Run #241 [35]
Alphadia Genesis | Missing |
Alphadia Genesis 2 | Missing |
Alvastia Chronicles | Dumped | Limited Run #311 [36]
Always Sometimes Monsters | Missing |
American Hero | Missing |
Among the Sleep | Dumped | This is not a numbered release. Distributed on behalf of Soedesco
Anno Mutationem | Dumped | Limited Run #450 [37]
Another World | Dumped | Limited Run #180 [38]
Antiquia Lost | Dumped | Limited Run #146 [39]
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX | Dumped | Limited Run #36 [40]
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition & Rise of the Third Power | Missing | Limited Run #496 [41]
Arcade Classics: Anniversary Collection | Missing | Limited Run #487 [42]
Armed Emeth | Missing |
Art of Fighting Anthology | Dumped | Limited Run #375 [43]
Asdivine Cross | Missing | Limited Run #477 [44]
Asdivine Dios | Dumped | Limited Run #374 [45]
Asdivine Hearts | Dumped | Limited Run #80 [46]
Asdivine Hearts II | Missing |
Asdivine Kamura | Missing |
Asdivine Menace | Dumped | Limited Run #380 [47]
Asdivine Saga | Missing |
Astalon | Missing |
Astebreed | Dumped |
Astro Aqua Kitty | Missing |
Atari Recharged | Missing |
A-Train Express (PSVR) | Dumped |
Away: Journey to the Unexpected | Missing |
Axiom Verge 1+2 | Missing |
Ayo the Clown | Missing |
Azur Lane: Crosswave | Dumped |
Bard's Gold | Dumped |
Bard's Tale ARPG, The: Remastered and Resnarkled | Dumped |
Bastion | Dumped |
Bats | Missing |
Battle Axe | Missing |
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe | Dumped |
Battle Garegga Rev.2016 | Dumped |
Battle Princess Madelyn | Dumped |
Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection | Missing |
Bit.Trip, The | Missing |
Blacksmith of Sand Kingdom | Missing |
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition | Missing |
Blasphemous | Dumped |
Blaster Master Zero | Dumped |
Blaster Master Zero 2 | Dumped |
Blaster Master Zero 3 | Missing |
Blazing Chrome | Dumped |
BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bytes | Missing |
Bloodshore | Missing |
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon | Dumped |
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 | Dumped |
Bomb Chicken | Dumped |
Bonds of the Skies | Missing |
Boy and His Blob, A | Missing |
Breach & Clear: Deadline | Dumped |
Brigadine: Legend of Runersia | Missing |
Broken Age | Dumped |
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling | Missing | Limited Run #400 - [48]
Bullets Per Minute | Missing |
Bunker, The | Missing |
Butcher | Dumped |
Caladrius Blaze | Missing |
Carrion | Missing |
Castlevania Anniversary Collection | Dumped |
Castlevania Requiem | Dumped |
Catlateral Damage | Missing |
Celeste | Dumped |
Chariot | Missing |
Chasm | Missing |
Children of Zodiarcs | Dumped |
Chroma Quaternion | Missing |
Chronus Arc | Missing |
Citizens Unite! Earth x Space | Missing |
Claire: Extended Cut | Missing |
Clea: Complete Collection | Missing |
Cogen | Missing |
Complex, The | Missing |
Contra Anniversary Collection | Dumped | Limited Run #446 - [49]
Corpse Killer | Dumped |
Cosmic Star Heroine | Missing |
Costume Quest 2 | Dumped |
Crawl | Missing |
Croixleur Sigma | Missing |
Crossing Souls | Missing |
Crystal Ortha | Missing |
Curses 'n Chaos | Dumped |
Cyanide and Happiness | Missing |
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka: HD Edition | Dumped |
Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo: HD Edition | Dumped |
Dangun Feveron | Dumped |
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours | Missing |
Dark Crystal Tactics | Missing |
Dark Devotion | Dumped |
Dark Quest 2 | Missing |
Darkwood | Missing |
DARQ: Complete Edition | Missing |
Dawn of Monsters | Missing |
Day of the Tentacle: Remastered | Missing |
Deadbolt | Dumped |
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition | Missing |
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten | Dumped |
Demon's Tier+ | Missing |
Demon's Tilt | Missing |
Desert Child | Dumped |
Destroy All Humans! | Missing |
Doom: The Classics Collection | Dumped | Original Release
Doom: The Classics Collection | Dumped | "Fixed" DRM-Free Version (v02.00)
Doom 64 | Dumped |
Don Bluth Presents Dragon's Lair Trilogy | Dumped |
Double Dragon IV | Dumped |
Double Switch | Missing |
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice: Special Edition | Dumped | Limited Run #018 - [50]
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria | Dumped | Limited Run #214 - [51]
Dragon Lapis | Missing |
Dragon Sinker | Missing |
Drive! Drive! Drive! | Dumped |
Duck Game | Missing |
Dustwind: The Last Resort | Missing | Limited Run #492 - [52]
EarthNight | Missing |
Effie | Missing |
Eldest Souls | Missing |
Embers of Mirrim | Missing | [53]
Enclave | Missing |
Ender Lillies | Missing |
Enter the Gungeon | Missing | Special Reserve Games [54]
Erica | Missing |
Escape Goat 2 | Dumped |
Everspace | Dumped |
Exile's End | Dumped |
ExZeus | Missing |
Factotum 90 | Dumped | Limited Run #122 [55]
Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion | Dumped |
Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire | Missing |
FAR: Lone Sails | Missing |
Fatal Fury: Battle Archives Volume 2 | Missing |
Fate/Extella Link: Fleeting Glory | Missing |
Fault Milestone One | Missing |
Fernz Gate | Dumped |
Fight'N Rage | Missing |
Final Vendetta | Missing |
Firewatch | Missing |
First Tree, The | Missing |
Five Dates | Missing |
Flame in the Flood, The | Missing |
Flinthook | Dumped |
Forgotton Anne | Dumped
Forma.8 | Dumped | Limited Run #245 - [56]
Frane: Dragons' Odyssey | Missing |
Freedom Finger | Dumped |
Freedom Planet | Dumped |
Frogun | Missing |
Full Throttle Remastered | Missing |
Furi: Definitive Edition | Dumped |
Future Unfolding | Missing |
Futuridium EP Deluxe | Missing |
Fu'un Super Combo | Dumped |
Gal*Gunvolt Burst | Dumped |
Game Tengoku: The Game Paradise! CruisinMix Special | Dumped | Original Release
Game Tengoku: The Game Paradise! CruisinMix Special | Dumped | Fixed Release
Garou: Mark of the Wolves | Missing |
Gearshifters | Missing |
Giga Wrecker Alt. | Dumped |
Going Under | Missing |
Gravity Ghost | Dumped |
Green Lava Collection Vol. 2 | Missing |
Grim Fandango: Remastered | Missing |
Gris | Dumped |
Ground Zero: Texas | Missing |
Gunhouse | Dumped |
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 | Dumped |
Hatsune Miku VR (PSVR) | Dumped |
Harvest Moon: One World | Missing |
Haven | Missing |
Headlander | Dumped |
Hero Must Die. Again | Missing |
Hitman III | Missing |
Hole New World, A | Dumped |
Home | Missing |
Horror Tales | Missing |
Hotline Miami | Missing |
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number | Missing |
House in Fata Morgana, The | Dumped |
Hover | Dumped |
Hue | Dumped |
Icey | Dumped |
Iconoclasts | Dumped |
Ikenfell | Missing |
Indigo Prophecy | Dumped |
Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, The | Dumped |
Infernax | Missing | [57]
Iron Crypticle | Missing |
I Saw Black Clouds | Missing |
Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | Dumped |
Jak II | Dumped |
Jak 3 | Dumped |
Jak X: Combat Racing | Dumped |
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl Arcade Edition | Missing |
Jotun | Missing |
Jumanji: The Video Game | Missing |
Kao the Kangaroo | Missing |
Kero Blaster | Missing |
Kids on Site | Missing |
Kill the Bad Guy | Dumped |
King of Fighters '97, The: Global Match | Dumped |
King of Fighters '98, The: Ultimate Match | Missing |
King of Fighters 2000, The | Missing |
King of Fighters Orochi Saga | Missing |
Kingdom: New Lands | Missing |
Knights and Bikes | Dumped |
Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai | Dumped |
Kombinera | Missing |
Konami Arcade Classics | Missing |
Lair of the Clockwork God | Dumped |
Last Blade 2, The | Dumped |
Late Shift | Dumped |
LawBreakers | Missing |
Layers of Fear | Dumped |
Legend of the Tetrarchs | Dumped |
Lethal League | Missing |
Liege Dragon | Missing |
Lifeless Planet | Missing |
Light Tracer (PSVR) | Dumped |
Lili: Child of Geos | Dumped |
Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing (PSVR) | Dumped |
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut | Dumped |
Lost Sea | Missing |
Lost Words: Beyond the Page | Missing |
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime | Missing |
Lumines Remastered | Dumped |
Mages of Mystralia | Dumped |
Magicka 2 | Dumped |
Marenian Tavern Story: Patty and the Hungry God | Dumped |
Martha Is Dead | Missing |
Mecho Tales | Missing |
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition | Dumped | Limited Run #274
Messenger, The | Missing | Special Reserve Games - [58]
Metal Slug 3 | Missing |
Metal Slug Anthology | Missing |
Metal Slug XX | Missing |
Metronomicon, The | Missing |
Mighty Goose | Missing | Limited Run #478 - [59]
Mighty Switch Force! Collection, The | Dumped |
Minit | Missing |
Missing, The: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories | Dumped |
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae | Missing |
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight | Dumped |
Monochrome Order | Missing |
Monster Boy | Missing |
Monster Viator | Missing |
Mummy Demastered, The | Missing |
Musynx | Missing |
Mutant Mudds Deluxe | Dumped |
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge | Dumped |
My Friend Pedro | Missing |
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics | Dumped |
Mystik Belle | Dumped |
Mythic Ocean | Missing |
N++ | Missing |
Narcosis | Dumped |
Narita Boy | Missing |
Neon Abyss | Missing |
Neon City Riders | Missing |
Neonwall | Dumped |
Neurovoider | Missing |
Neverending Nightmares | Missing |
Nex Machina | Dumped |
Night Book | Missing |
Night in the Woods | Missing |
Night Trap | Dumped |
Nine Witches | Missing |
Nova-111 | Dumped | "Limited Run #46"
Observer (>observer_) | Dumped |
Oceanhorn | Missing |
Octodad: Dadliest Catch | Missing |
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty | Missing |
One Step from Eden | Missing |
Organ Trail: Complete Edition | Missing |
Othercide, The | Missing |
Outbreak: Contagious Memories | Missing |
Outer Wilds | Dumped |
Oxenfree | Dumped |
Pang Adventures | Missing |
Panzer Dragoon | Missing |
Paper Beast (PSVR) | Missing |
Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds Overdrive | Dumped |
Phantom Breaker Omnia | Missing |
Pig Eat Ball | Missing |
Pix the Cat | Dumped |
Pixel Gear (PSVR) | Missing |
PixelJunk Monsters 2 | Missing |
Plague Road | Missing |
Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier | Dumped |
Postal Redux | Missing |
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid | Missing |
Prison Boss VR (PSVR) | Missing |
Project Lux (PSVR) | Dumped | Limited Run #253 - [60]
Project Warlock | Missing |
Project Xenon Valkyrie+ | Missing | Limited Run #156 - [61]
Psychonauts | Dumped |
Psychonauts | Missing | iam8bit variant
Quake | Missing |
Rabi-Ribi | Dumped |
Race the Sun | Dumped |
Rain World | Dumped |
Rainbow Moon | Dumped |
Red Faction | Missing |
Red Matter (PSVR) | Missing |
Redout Space Assault | Missing |
Regions of Ruin | Missing |
République: Anniversary Edition | Missing |
Return of the Obra Dinn | Missing |
Revenant Dogma | Dumped |
Revenant Saga | Dumped | Limited Run #110 - [62]
Risk of Rain | Missing |
Rive | Dumped |
River City Girls | Dumped |
River City Girls 2 | Missing |
River City Girls Zero | Missing |
River City Melee | Missing |
Rock Boshers DX | Missing |
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken | Missing |
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution | Dumped |
Rogue Legacy | Dumped |
Roombo: First Blood | Missing |
RPGolf | Missing |
Ruiner | Missing |
Ruinverse | Missing |
Rumble Fish 2, The | Missing |
Runner2 | Missing |
RWBY: Grimm Eclipse | Missing |
Salt and Sanctuary | Dumped |
Sam & Max: This Time It's Virtual (PSVR) | Missing |
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time | Missing | Limited Run #356 - [63]
Samurai Shodown V Special | Missing |
Samurai Shodown VI | Missing |
Saturday Morning RPG | Missing |
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game: Complete Edition | Dumped |
Screencheat | Dumped |
Seek Hearts | Missing |
Senko no Ronde 2 | Dumped |
Sephirothic Stories | Dumped |
Serial Cleaner | Dumped |
Shadow Complex Remastered | Dumped |
Shadowgate | Missing |
Shadowman | Missing |
Shadowrun Trilogy | Missing |
Shadows of Adam | Missing |
Shadow Warrior 2 | Missing |
Shantae | Missing |
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse | Missing |
Shantae and the Seven Sirens | Dumped |
Shantae: Risky's Revenge | Missing |
Shapeshifting Detective, The | Dumped |
Sheepo | Missing |
Shenmue III: Complete Edition | Missing |
Simulacra | Missing |
Siralim | Missing |
Siralim 2 | Missing |
Siralim 3 | Missing |
Sir Lovelot | Missing |
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore | Dumped |
Sky Force Anniversary | Missing |
Slime-san: Superslime Edition | Dumped | Limited Run #284 - [64]
SmuggleCraft | Missing |
Sol Cresta | Missing |
Song in the Smoke (PSVR) | Missing |
Song of Horror | Missing |
Space Channel 5 VR (PSVR) | Dumped |
Spelunky | Dumped |
Spidersaurs | Missing |
Splasher | Missing |
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter | Dumped |
Star Wars Episode I: Racer | Dumped |
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy | Dumped |
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast | Dumped |
Star Wars: Racer Revenge | Dumped |
Star Wars: Republic Commando | Dumped |
Stealth Inc.: A Clone in the Dark: Ultimate Edition | Dumped |
Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure | Dumped |
Story of a Gladiator | Missing |
Strafe | Missing |
Stranger Things 3: The Game | Dumped |
Streets of Rage 4 | Dumped |
Streets of Red | Missing |
Strikers Edge | Dumped |
Summertime Madness | Missing |
Sundered | Dumped |
Super ComboMan: Smash Edition | Dumped |
Super Daryl Deluxe | Missing |
SuperEpic | Missing |
Super Gunworld 2 | Missing |
Super Hydorah | Dumped |
Supermash | Missing |
Super Mutant Alien Assault | Missing |
Supraland | Missing |
Swapper, The | Dumped |
Swindle, The | Dumped |
Swordsman VR (PSVR) | Missing |
Swords of Ditto, The | Missing |
Sword of the Necromancer | Missing |
Tacoma | Dumped |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge | Missing |
Tetris Effect (PSVR) | Missing |
Tetris Effect: Connected | Missing |
Tharsis | Dumped |
Thimbleweed Park | Dumped |
Thomas Was Alone | Missing |
Those Who Remain | Missing |
Thumper | Dumped |
Timespinner | Dumped |
Tiny Troopers: Global Ops | Missing |
To the Top (PSVR) | Missing |
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove | Dumped |
Tokyo Chronos (PSVR) | Dumped |
Toto Temple Deluxe | Missing |
Town of Light, The | Missing | Wired Present Black Label #02 - [65]
Transistor | Dumped |
Treasures of the Aegean | Dumped | This is not a numbered release. Distributed on behalf of Numskull Games
Turok | Missing |
Turok 2 | Missing |
Typoman | Missing |
Ultimate Block Rockin' Edition | Missing |
Undead Darlings | Missing |
UnderMine | Missing | Limited Run #474 - [66]
Unpacking | Missing |
Unsighted | Missing |
VA-11 HALL-A | Dumped | Limited Run #314 - [67]
Victor Vran: Overkill Edition | Missing | Wired Presents Black Label #01 - [68]
VirtuaVerse | Missing |
Volume | Dumped |
Wanderer, The | Missing |
Wandersong | Dumped |
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine | Missing |
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? | Missing |
Windjammers | Dumped |
Winds & Leaves (PSVR) | Missing |
Wizard of Legend | Dumped |
Wizards of Brandel | Missing |
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap | Dumped |
Worse Than Death | Missing |
Xeodrifter | Missing |
Yaga | Missing |
Yesterday Origins | Dumped |
Young Souls | Missing |
Ys Origin | Missing |
Title | Dump Status | Note
Alone with You | Missing |
Among Us: Ambient Music Track | Dumped |
Aqua Kitty: Original Soundtrack Recording | Dumped |
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition: Official Soundtrack Selection | Missing | [93]
Astebreed: Complete Soundtrack | Missing |
Boyfriend Dungeon Soundtrack | Missing | [94] Bundled with Collector's Edition
Breach & Clear: Original Video Game Soundtrack | Missing |
Chex Quest: Original Soundtrack | Dumped |
Day of the Tentacle Remastered: Original Soundtrack | Missing | [95][96] Bundled with PC/PS4/XBOX Collector's Edition
Embers of Mirrim: Original Soundtrack | Missing | [97]
Espgaluda II: Soundtrack | Missing | [98] Bundled with NSW Collector's Edition
Futuridium: Original Soundtrack | Missing |
Glover: Original Soundtrack | Dumped |
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX: Original Soundtrack | Dumped |
Guts 'N Goals: Original Soundtrack | Missing | [99][100] Bundled with PS5/NSW Limited Edition
Lair of the Clockwork God: A Soundtrack for the End of Everything | Dumped |
Lone Survivor: Original Soundtrack | Dumped |
Mabinogi: Clannad Arrange Album | Dumped |
Night Trap: Original Soundtrack | Missing | Bundled with SCD release
Nova-111 | Dumped |
PixelJunk Monsters 2 | Dumped |
Rainbow Moon Melodies: Original Soundtrack | Missing |
River City Girls: Original Game Soundtrack | Dumped |
RPGolf Legends: Original Soundtrack | Missing | [101][102] Optional Bundle w/ PS4/PS5 Game
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time: Original Soundtrack | Missing | [103] Bundled with PS4/NSW Collector's Edition
Shantae: Original Soundtrack | Dumped |
Shantae 5: Opening Animation Project OST | Dumped | Sold at PAX
Shenmue III: The Definitive Soundtrack | Missing |
Silver Case, The: Original Soundtrack | Dumped |
Skullgirls: Special Selection Soundtrack | Dumped |
Soldner X2 Complete Score | Missing |
Stealth Inc.: A Clone in the Dark: Ultimate Edition: Original Soundtrack | Missing |
Streets of Rage 4: Limited Run Games Exclusive Track Selection | Dumped |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge: Soundtrack | Missing | [104][105][106][107] Bundled with PC/PS4/NSW/XONE Radical Edition
Tetris Effect: Connected: Original Soundtrack | Missing | [108][109][110] Bundled with PS4/NSW/XBOX Collector's Edition
Thomas Was Alone: Original Soundtrack | Missing |
To the Top Soundtrack | Dumped |
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil: Official Soundtrack | Dumped |
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap: Original Soundtrack | Dumped |
Worms: Official Soundtrack | Missing | [111]
Worms Armageddon: Official Soundtrack | Dumped | [112]
Yooka-Laylee: Capital B-Sides: Original Game Decks Soundtrack | Missing | [113]