Microsoft Xbox - USA Undumped Discs

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Microsoft Xbox
USAPALJapanAsiaKoreaMagazine Demos



Title Barcode Notes Bought


List may be incomplete. Kiosk discs listed below are confirmed to exist. Some variant kiosk demos exist with the same version number but have differing sleeves (such as ESRB rating variants) which are unique builds.

Title Notes Bought
Blinx 2: Masters of Time & Space [1][2]
NASCAR 2005: Chase for the Cup [3]
Xbox Demo Disc Version 1.3 (kiosk) (EB Games)
Xbox Demo Disc Version 1.3 (kiosk) (GameStop)
Xbox Demo Disc Version 2.0 (kiosk) (EB branding on sleeve, no ESRB on sleeve) [4]
Xbox Demo Disc Version 2.0 (kiosk) (WalMart-branded version) [5]
Xbox Demo Disk Version 2.1 (kiosk) (variant without ESRB on sleeve)
Xbox Demo Disk Version 2.1 (kiosk) (Toys R Us 'RZone' branded version) [6]
Xbox Demo Disc Version 2.2 (kiosk) (variant with ESRB RP-M on disc label / sleeve)
Xbox Demo Disc Version 3.0 (kiosk) (variant with ESRB RP-M on sleeve) Dumped variant does not explicitly mention no ESRB rating
Xbox Demo Disc Version 3.1 (kiosk) (variant with ESRB RP-M on disc label / sleeve)
Xbox Demo Disc Version 4.0 (kiosk) (variant with ESRB RP-M on sleeve) [7]

Unlicensed (PC)

Title Barcode Notes Bought
GameShark Cheatsaves compatible with Xbox 728658000134 comes with a USB device, "V1.1" on disc label, "V1.2" on back of package.
GameShark GameSaves compatible with/aver Xbox
GameShark GameSaves For Xbox variant with only "For Xbox"
GameShark GameSaves For/Pour Xbox variant with "For/Pour" Xbox
GameShark GSLite compatible with Xbox N/A Comes in sleeve.


Title Barcode Notes Bought
Juiced Unreleased Acclaim version, Review discs exist. Title ID AC-030


WWE WrestleMania 21 was previously believed to have a 01K ringcode, which if it exists, is likely to match 02K ringcode. It is believed that an 01K ringcode would be pre-release build, and the same build was accidentally printed on retail discs (with 02K ringcode) instead of the proper final build. This is the "buggy disc" that is referred to online that was fixed via a title update. Early scene dumps match 02K ringcode.

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