Community request list

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This is a page for ideas from the community, not an official plan.



Description Status
Ability to have photo/scan/log attachments for each dump
Store each dump as a separate object in the database, rather than having each entry be a summary of all dumps
Ability to submit entry change requests via form
Proper parent/clone support
Database export feature
Database software source code made available
Support for more hash types like SHA512, BLAKE3 and xxhash
Publisher and Developer fields
Full ISO metadata for each disc (filenames etc)
Ability to edit new disc form submissions (with version history)
Verification submission form
Dump tool field
Dump creation date field
Fields for the disc title in different languages
Wiki file uploads enabled for photos/scans, for undumped lists
<ref> tag support in the wiki
Xbox DMI/PFI/SS hashes should be stored in the database directly
Audio CD spillover track hashes should be stored in the database directly



Description Status
Logs and scans provided in "new disc" submissions or for discs manually added to pages by moderators, are not stored anywhere (at least not publicly)

Microsoft - Xbox 360

Description Status
Only CRC32s are stored in the comments for the DMI/PFI/SS data.

Atari - Jaguar CD Interactive Multimedia System

Description Status
Possible issue with Jaguar CD dumps. RichWhitehouse has said:
bios decrypts its own md5 (sort of, unconventional implementation) hash of the TOC, then it creates a hash of the disc TOC, and if they don’t match it aborts. And part of the TOC data includes session lead-out times, and these Redump rips don’t specify lead-outs. It seems like this whole library needs to be dumped with proper subchannel (which includes TOC and everything else) data

DiscJuggler or Trurip dumps might not have this issue.

Dumping Guides


Description Status
Wii Us can apparently read GameCube discs if you use a mini>full-size disc adapter.
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