Sony Official Game Count

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This page attempts to determine a minimum bound for the number of physical retail games released for each of the Sony PlayStation consoles, using numbers officially released by Sony. It is expected that the total number of titles for each console exceeds the numbers provided here, however the information can still be of use for Sony PlayStation game preservation by comparing the differences in official counts over time for each region.


Software Title Count by Console

  • SIE (Sony Interactive Entertainment) gives software title counts from 2016 to 2018, with the latest count as at 2018-06-30.
  • SIEK (Sony Interactive Entertainment Korea) gives a count as at 2013-12-31.
  • SCEI (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc) gives software title counts from 2003 to 2013, with the latest count as at 2013-06-30

Latest Counts for each source

Console Japan (NTSC-J) North America (NTSC-U) Europe (PAL) Worldwide (Total)
PlayStation 1 (PSX) 4,944 4,944 4,944 1,335 1,335 1,335 1,639 1,639 1,639 7,918 7,918 7,918
PlayStation 2 (PS2) 5,394 5,394 5,394 1,814 1,814 1,814 3,772 3,772 3,779 (+7) 10,980 10,980 10,987 (+7)
PlayStation 3 (PS3) 1,611 1,690 (+79) 2,196 (+506) 947 974 (+27) 1,148 (+174) 1,774 1,836 (+62) 2,731 (+895) 4,332 4,500 (+168) 6,075 (+1,575)
PlayStation 4 (PS4) 7 (+7) 1,415 (+1,408) 15 (+15) 797 (+782) 16 (+16) 1,707 (+1,691) 38 (+38) 3,919 (+3881)
PlayStation Portable (PSP) 2,403 2,428 (+25) 2,511 (+83) 628 628 628 1,063 1,069 (+6) 1,075 (+6) 4,094 4,125 (+31) 4,214 (+89)

Note: These counts explicitly do not include downloadable software titles, so they refer to the number of discs.

Note: "Japan" includes titles released in Asian regions including South Korea. While not stated explicitly, it is expected that China releases (if counted at all) are included in the Japan count, all PAL releases are included in the Europe count, and that all NTSC releases outside of USA/Canada are included in the North America count.

Sony PlayStation 1

Region 2003-12-31 2004-03-31 2004-06-30 2004-09-30 2004-12-31 2005-12-31 2006-06-30 2006-12-31 2007-03-33 2007-06-30 ... 2018-06-30
Japan (NTSC-J) 4490 4498 (+8) 4507 (+9) 4514 (+7) 4518 (+4) 4911 (+393) 4915 (+4) 4933 (+18) 4941 (+3) 4,944 (+3) ... 4,944
North America (NTSC-U) 1328 1330 (+2) 1331 (+1) 1333 (+2) 1,335 (+2) 1,335 1,335 1,335 1,335 1,335 ... 1,335
Europe (PAL) 1472 1483 (+11) 1488 (+5) 1495 (+7) 1498 (+3) 1,639 (+141) 1,639 1,639 1,639 1,639 ... 1,639
Worldwide (Total) 7290 7311 (+21) 7326 (+15) 7342 (+16) 7351 (+9) 7885 (+534) 7889 (+4) 7907 (+18) 7915 (+3) 7,918 (+3) ... 7,918


  • The last known PS1 game title for the Japan (NTSC-J) region is SLPS 03574 with an exe date of 2004-03-30 (released 2004-05-13).
  • SLPS 03581 has the last SLPS 03xxx serial but is a re-release of the original Armored Core as part of the Armored Core: Machine Side Box (released 2006-12-21).
  • The last officially released SLPS 03xxx discs are SLPS 03578/03579/03580 which are re-releases of King's Field I/II/III as part of the King's Field: Dark Side Box (released 2007-01-24).
  • There are seemingly no SCPS serials (first party Japan releases) with exe dates from 2002 onwards, likely the most recent being SCPS 10144 with an exe date of 2001-03-11.

North America

7 software titles were added over time since the first available count as at 2003-12-31. The following serials are potentially those 7 titles:

  • SLUS-01585 has an exe date of 2004-09-12 (released 2004-10-12).
  • SLUS-01584 has an exe date of 2004-08-02 (released 2004-09-14).
  • SLUS-01520 has an exe date of 2002-03-26, but was released on 2004-09-30 so may have been counted in late 2004.
  • SCUS-94695 has an exe date of 2004-07-19 (released 2004-08-10).
  • SLUS-01579 has an exe date of 2004-01-07 (released 2004-04-23).
  • SLUS-01575 has an exe date of 2004-01-27 (released 2004-03-19).
  • SCUS-94692 has an exe date of 2003-02-28, but was released 2004-03-04 so may have been counted in early 2004.


  • The last known PS1 game title for the Europe (PAL) region is the German-exclusive SLES-04177/GER with an exe date of 2005-05-23.

Sony PlayStation 2

Changes since 2013-12-31

SIE updated the PS2 count at some point between 2013-12-31 and 2016-12-31, to include 7 new Europe (PAL) titles. The following serials may potentially add up to be the 7 new titles. It may also be the case that only "FIFA 14" and "PES 2014" are being counted as titles, and that the titles below were also added to the count after 2013-12-31 (FIFA 13, PES 2013, Street Cricket Champions 2, Don 2: The Game)

These games have EXE dates and release dates between 2013-06-30 and 2013-12-31. FIFA 14 on PS2 is sometimes referred to as "Legacy Edition", whereby it is mostly the same game as FIFA 13 but with updated information regarding teams, so there is a slim chance that Sony did not consider it a new title. Furthermore, FIFA 14 was not released on PS2 in Canada or USA so the Latin America release may be included in the Europe count despite the SLUS serial prefix (FIFA 14 was released in Mexico, South America, Europe, and Australasia).

Changes since 2013-06-30

The count for PS2 software titles is unchanged between SCEI's 2013-06-30 count and SIEK's 2013-12-31 count. However, the counts for PS2 are unreliable as the previous count as at 2012-06-30 has different numbers as they updated the page throughout 2012 and 2013. The first time that the table was updated to as at 2012-06-30, the PS2 numbers had not changed from as at 2012-03-31. It wasn't until sometime between Sep 2012 and Jan 2013 that the counts had been updated to include 50 new Japan titles, 4 new NA titles and 5 new Europe titles. These counts would go on to be updated again by May with 4 new Japan titles and 3 new Europe titles despite still saying "as at 2012-06-30". Only two more PS2 titles would be added when the table was updated to say as at 2013-06-30.

Changes since 2012-06-30

The count for PS2 is also unchanged for Japan and Europe regions between 2012-06-30 and 2013-06-30. The same issue as above is therefore also present for the following games:

The increment of two titles for the North America region are likely the only two known titles released for NTSC-U between 2012-06-30 and 2013-06-30:

However, there is a chance that one of the two new titles is referring to SLUS-21951: Major League Baseball 2K12, which is the only known NTSC-U game released in the first half of 2012, which may have been counted instead of FIFA Soccer 2013 (Latin America).

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