Caras PC Games 2000 (Argentina) - Coverdisc List

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Caras PC Games 2000 was a collection of covermount releases included with the Caras magazine.



NumberRelease dateTitleOriginal titleStatusNote
1 2000-01-05 Día de la Independencia Independence Day Blue
2 2000-01-12 Duro de matar Die Hard Trilogy Blue
3 2000-01-19 F1 Internacional Grand Prix Racing 98 Blue
4 2000-01-26 Crazy Duck Crazy Drake Green
5 2000-02-02 World Football Kiko World Football Blue
6 2000-02-09 Misión Alien Incidente em Varginha Blue
7 2000-02-16 Superbike Challenge N/A Blue
8 2000-02-23 Oro Negro: Juego de Guerra y Estrategia A.R.S.E.N.A.L: Taste the Power Blue
9 2000-03-01 War Drones N/A Blue

Unknown/unconfirmed date


NumberTitleOriginal titleStatusNote
10 Blade Warrior N/A Blue
11 Karting Speed Kart Challenge Green
12 Koo My Friend My Friend Koo Blue
18 Cabezotas Bonkheads Blue Mercado Libre
20 Rebelion Polaris Polaris Rebellion Green


TitleOriginal titleStatusNote
Seven Kingdoms N/A Undumped Mercado Libre. Bought by Lugamo.
El Destructor Genocide Undumped Mercado Libre. Bought by Lugamo.
Super Kid Kid God Fighters: The Fight of Kity Mighty Undumped Mercado Libre
Dark Angael N/A Undumped Mercado Libre. Bought by Lugamo.
Global Defender N/A Undumped
Excavador Dig It! Undumped
Rally Unknown Undumped
Super Basquet Unknown Undumped Bought by Lugamo.
Chomper 3D N/A Undumped
Zombie Wars N/A Undumped
Ataque Counter Blow Undumped Twitter. Bought by Lugamo.


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