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Warning: lead-in starts with unavailable sector

  1. We get a dump that shows lead-in starts with unavailable sector. Either:
    1. It's done with ASUS or 4824, request a dump with another Plextor model, revert to (1) once complete
    2. It's done with any other Plextor, follow the steps below
  2. Request the dumper to resplit or redump with the commands --force-offset=0 and --plextor-leadin-skip
  3. If that is not possible or doesn't resolve the problem, do X

  1. If the offset is already at 0, add to the database without Track 0 and with a note in the comments
  2. If the offset is not 0, request the dumper to split or redump with --force-offset=0

Warning: lead-out ends with unavailable sector

We are usually able to get ~100 sectors of last session leadout with any good plextor, including 4824

  1. We get a dump where non zero leadout data exceeds these 100 sectors, either:
    1. use RibShark's 3.10 ASUS drive firmware and dump with --overread-leadout option to get more leadout
    2. use trap disc to get more leadout
  2. If either solution above is unrealistic, make sure audio dump is either already at offset 0, otherwise ask dumper split or redump with --force-offset=0 and add as is without Track A/AA
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