Acorn Archimedes Moderation Guide
From Redump Wiki
Description: The Acorn Archimedes was a British computer system that saw primary use in educational, business, and scientific applications. Most media was distributed via floppy disks but some later media (particularly during the RISC PC era) was distributed via CD-ROM and even DVD-ROM. Some Archimedes software can be ran on RISC PC hardware, similar to running 16-bit Windows applications on a 32-bit version of Windows. Compatibility is not 100% however, therefore documentation of support for each disc is recommended.
- Is considered a "dead" system for Redump purposes, and all discs are allowed.
- Pending system rename to Acorn Archimedes & RISC PC, treat system as if it were.
- Follow IBM PC Guide for dumping, functionally identical to IBM PC
- Suggestion: Document compatible hardware versions (Archimedes vs RISC PC)