Microsoft Windows PC - D - Undumped Game Discs

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Note: List is outdated and incomplete. Please check the PC entries to see if your disc is dumped[1].

Serial Region Title Barcode Other Comments
UNK-Serial Europe D (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode (Windows 95) [2] Ring: A0100185599-0102 14
UNK-Serial Europe D (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode (Windows 95) [3] Ring: A0100185599-0202 13
UNK-Serial Europe D (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode (DOS)
UNK-Serial Europe D (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode (DOS) [4] Ring: A0100187150-0202 14
CDB-ICD-092-G Germany D (Disc 1) (blackmArket no.8) UNK-Barcode [5]
UNK-Serial Germany D (Disc 2) (blackmArket no.8) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA D (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [6] Ring: 2/96 1RA9
MG-CI-LE-002 USA D.C. II: Da Capo II (Limited Edition) UNK-Barcode [7]
UNK-Serial USA D.i.R.T.: Origin of the Species UNK-Barcode [8]
UNK-Serial Japan d2b VS DEARDROPS -Cross the Future- UNK-Barcode [9]
UNK-Serial USA Da Vinci Code, The (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [10]
UNK-Serial USA Da Vinci Code, The (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode
MMF-00002 Japan Dadaama Kyoushi 4582252961200 [11]
UNK-Serial Poland Daemonica (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Poland Daemonica (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [12]
UNK-Serial Poland Daemonica (Disc 1) (Nicolas Action) UNK-Barcode [13]
UNK-Serial Poland Daemonica (Disc 2) (Nicolas Action) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Russia Daemonica: Zov Smerti UNK-Barcode [14]
UNK-Serial Japan Dagashiya-san Hanjouki (CD-R-ban) UNK-Barcode [15]
UNK-Serial Japan Dagashiya-san Hanjouki (CD-ROM-ban) UNK-Barcode [16]
UNK-Serial Japan Dagger: Ginkan no Chikai UNK-Barcode [17]
DAGGER 銀環の誓い
UNK-Serial Germany Daggerfall: Die Schriften der Weisen UNK-Barcode [18]
UNK-Serial France Daggerfall: The Elder Scrolls Chapter 2 UNK-Barcode [19]
UNK-Serial Japan Daiakuji (Disc 1) 4988650600480 [20]
UNK-Serial Japan Daiakuji (Disc 2) 4988650600480 [21]
UNK-Serial Japan Daiakuji (Disc 1) (Renkaban) UNK-Barcode [22]
UNK-Serial Japan Daiakuji (Disc 2) (Renkaban) UNK-Barcode [23]
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku II: Campaign-ban (Selection 2000 Dai-11-dan) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku IV Complete Box (Selection 2000 Dai-16-dan) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku IV: Fukkokuban (Selection 2000 Dai-2-dan) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku VI (Selection 2000 Dai-1-dan) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku VII Deluxe UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku VII: Data & Power Up Kit UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku WIN II (Selection 2000 Dai-19-dan) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku: Central Front (Selection 2000 Dai-20-dan) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Daisenryaku: Master Combat 2 (Selection 2000 Dai-13-dan) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Russia Dal'nobojshchiki (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [24]
UNK-Serial Russia Dal'nobojshchiki (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode
P_24089-00188_05A_CZ Europe Damnation 5907610725802 (Cz,Hu) [25]
MDAMNCDEU00 Europe, Australia Damnation 5024866338249 [26]
MDAMNCDUS00 USA Damnation 767649402250 [27]
UNK-Serial Japan Danmaku Amanojaku: Impossible Spell Card UNK-Barcode [28]
弾幕アマノジャク ~ Impossible Spell Card
UNK-Serial USA Dark Age of Camelot: Gold Edition UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Europe Dark Eye, The: Drakensang 4017244021308 [29]
UNK-Serial Poland Dark Eye, The: Drakensang 5907577272944 [30]
UNK-Serial Russia Dark Eye, The: Drakensang 4690241021580 [31]
UNK-Serial Poland Dark Eye, The: Drakensang: Phileasson's Secret 5907577275334 [32]
UNK-Serial Czech Republic Dark Eye, The: Drakensang: Řeka Času 8595172602869 [33]
UNK-Serial Europe Dark Eye, The: Drakensang: The River of Time 4017244026204 [34]
UNK-Serial Poland Dark Eye, The: Drakensang: The River of Time 5907577274528 [35]
8717202730506? Europe Dark Legions, The UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Argentina Dark Messiah: Might and Magic UNK-Barcode [36]
UBB07705462DVD Brazil Dark Messiah: Might and Magic UNK-Barcode [37]
UNK-Serial Czech Republic Dark Messiah: Might and Magic UNK-Barcode [38]
5004753 Europe Dark Messiah: Might and Magic 3307210238153 [39]
1963A Europe Dark Messiah: Might and Magic (White Label) 5016488117586 [40]
5005001 Germany Dark Messiah: Might and Magic UNK-Barcode [41]
MSL020363 Netherlands Dark Messiah: Might and Magic UNK-Barcode [42]
DMoMM PL Poland Dark Messiah: Might and Magic (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [43]
UNK-Serial Poland Dark Messiah: Might and Magic (Disc 2) (Making of) UNK-Barcode [44]
UNK-Serial Russia Dark Messiah: Might and Magic UNK-Barcode [45]
UNK-Serial Thailand Dark Messiah: Might and Magic UNK-Barcode [46]
683155-DVD USA Dark Messiah: Might and Magic UNK-Barcode [47]
CDD-3920.101.AU Australia Dark Reign: The Future of War UNK-Barcode [48]
CDD-3920.101.PT Brazil Dark Reign: The Future of War UNK-Barcode [49]
UNK-Serial France Dark Reign: The Future of War UNK-Barcode [50]
CDD-3920.101.GM Germany Dark Reign: The Future of War UNK-Barcode (Original, Soft Price) [51]
UNK-Serial Germany Dark Reign: The Future of War (Super Preis) UNK-Barcode [52]
UNK-Serial USA Dark Reign Expansion: Rise of the Shadowhand UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Dark Reign 2 UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Brazil Dark Sector (Fullgames covermount) UNK-Barcode [53]
UNK-Serial Czech Republic Dark Sector UNK-Barcode [54]
UNK-Serial Germany Dark Sector UNK-Barcode [55]
UNK-Serial Russia Dark Sector UNK-Barcode [56]
PCCD 7101 Australia Darklight Conflict (Black Diamond) UNK-Barcode [57]
EAX05101128D Europe Darklight Conflict UNK-Barcode [58]
EA 775507 USA Darklight Conflict UNK-Barcode [59][60]
UNK-Serial Japan Dawn Patrol UNK-Barcode
HCJ-0121 Japan Daytona USA UNK-Barcode
HCJ-0110 Japan Daytona USA (You Kakuchou Board-ban) UNK-Barcode
HCJ-0129 Japan Daytona USA: Evolution UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Germany DCS: Black Shark UNK-Barcode [61]
UNK-Serial USA DCS: Black Shark UNK-Barcode [62]
UNK-Serial Japan DE JA Multi Pack (Disc 1) (Remaster Edition) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan DE JA Multi Pack (Disc 2) (Remaster Edition) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan DE JA Multi Pack (Disc 3) (Remaster Edition) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Poland Dead Island UNK-Barcode [63]
UNK-Serial Russia Dead Island UNK-Barcode [64]
UNK-Serial Europe Dead Rising 2 5907671216103 (En,Pl) [65]
UNK-Serial Russia Dead Rising 2 (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [66]
UNK-Serial Russia Dead Rising 2 (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial UNK-Region Dead Rising 2: Off the Record UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary Dead Rising 2: Off the Record UNK-Barcode (En) [67]
0896 Réf. n° 83589 FR France Deadly Tide (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [68]
UNK-Serial France Deadly Tide (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial France Deadly Tide (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial France Deadly Tide (Disc 4) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Germany Deadly Tide (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [69]
UNK-Serial Germany Deadly Tide (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Germany Deadly Tide (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Germany Deadly Tide (Disc 4) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Demolition Racer UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA DemonStar 636569600018
HCJ-0123 Japan Dennou Senki Virtual On UNK-Barcode [70]
UNK-Serial Japan DepraviA UNK-Barcode [71]
D e p r a v i A ~戦乙女アンジェリカが酷い目にあう横スクロールハードコアリョナアクション~
HCJ-0375 Japan Derby Owners Club Online UNK-Barcode
32653.101.FR France Les Desastreuses Aventures des Orphelins Baudelaire d'apres Lemony Snicket UNK-Barcode [72]
UNK-Serial Japan Descent UNK-Barcode
CD-W95-778-E1WL Europe Descent 3 (Disc 1) (White Label) UNK-Barcode
CD-W95-778-E2WL Europe Descent 3 (Disc 2) (White Label) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Descent 3 (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode Ring: CDC957781 R1? - unconfirmed
UNK-Serial USA Descent 3 (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode Ring: CDC957781RE R1? - unconfirmed
UNK-Serial USA? Descent 3 (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode Ring: CDC957782 R1? - unconfirmed
UNK-Serial USA? Descent 3 (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode Ring: CDC957783 R1? - unconfirmed
CD-C95-1122-EWL Europe Descent 3: Mercenary (White Label) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Descent Maximum UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Descent Mission Builder UNK-Barcode
CD-W95-189-GEN Europe Descent to Undermountain 5026102210692 [73]
CD-ICD-189-0 USA Descent to Undermountain UNK-Barcode [74]
CD-W95-1821-G1 Germany Descent Venture Pack (Disc 1) (Descent I & Descent II) UNK-Barcode
CD-295-1821-G2 Germany Descent Venture Pack (Disc 2) (Descent 3 Disc 1) UNK-Barcode
CD-295-1821-G3 Germany Descent Venture Pack (Disc 3) (Descent 3 Disc 2) UNK-Barcode
CD-295-1821-G4 Germany Descent Venture Pack (Disc 4) (Descent 3: Mercenary) UNK-Barcode
MN-ICD-275-NWI Brazil Descent: Anniversary Edition (BIGMAX N°11 Covermount) UNK-Barcode
CD-ICD-111-1 USA Descent: Destination Saturn UNK-Barcode (2nd version) - [75]
CD-ICD-111-2 USA Descent: Destination Saturn UNK-Barcode (3rd version) - unconfirmed
CD-ICD-111-3 USA Descent: Destination Saturn UNK-Barcode (4th version) - unconfirmed
CD-ICD-111-4 USA Descent: Destination Saturn UNK-Barcode (5th version) - unconfirmed
CD-C95-999-DKE USA Descent: FreeSpace: Darkness Rising (Bundled version) UNK-Barcode
CD-C95-999-IME USA Descent: FreeSpace: Darkness Rising (Bundled version) UNK-Barcode
CD-C95-891-0 USA Descent: FreeSpace: Silent Threat UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Desert Strike (Signature Series) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Netherlands De schippers van de Kameleon spel UNK-Barcode [76]
20010 Europe Destruction Derby 2 (Matrox OEM) UNK-Barcode [77]
CD-W95-519-M24 Europe Die by the Sword (Adventure Hall of Fame) UNK-Barcode
CD-W95-855-M24 Europe Die by the Sword: Limb from Limb (Adventure Hall of Fame) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Brazil Dino Crisis (CD Expert year 6 - number 5 covermount) UNK-Barcode [78]
UNK-Serial Europe Dino Crisis 5028587102837
UNK-Serial Germany Dino Crisis (White Label) UNK-Barcode [79]
CD-W95-V002-SP Spain Dino Crisis UNK-Barcode [80] Ring: ROM A-34673/W95-V002-S A
UNK-Serial Japan Dinonauts: Dino wa Uchuuhikoushi UNK-Barcode
S7190730 USA Dinosaur Adventure 3-D (Games for Boys) UNK-Barcode (4.0c)
COLINMCRAEDIRTCZ Czech Republic, Slovakia DiRT (Extra Klasika) UNK-Barcode [81]
UNK-Serial Europe DiRT (Ubisoft eXclusive) 5050740022690 [82]
MTC000338 Europe DiRT (PC Gamer Presents) UNK-Barcode [83]
UNK-Serial Russia DiRT UNK-Barcode [84]
MRL07CDUS00 USA DiRT UNK-Barcode [85]
MSHOWCDEU01 Europe DiRT Showdown 5024866347975 [86]
UNK-Serial Europe Disney's Chicken Little 8717418064457
UNK-Serial Europe Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action 5743211820160 Not released in the USA?
UNK-Serial Brazil Disney's Dinosaur UNK-Barcode [87]
UNK-Serial USA Disney's Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers 9780439358545 Scholastic Clubs and Fairs
UNK-Serial Brazil Disney's Donald Duck: Quack Attack 7896904604566
UNK-Serial Europe Disney's Whatta Mouse UNK-Barcode [88]
UNK-Serial USA Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 (Rerelease) 044702012497
UNK-Serial Latin America Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 044702016457 Spanish language version
UNK-Serial Czech Republic, Slovakia Disney/Pixar VALL-E UNK-Barcode (Cs) [89]
4005209106030 Australia Disney/Pixar WALL-E UNK-Barcode [90]
DV97175-00EUR Europe, Australia DmC: Devil May Cry UNK-Barcode [91]
HCJ-0203 Japan Dokidoki Kaijuutou UNK-Barcode
04-11583CD USA Doom II & Hexen UNK-Barcode OEM [92][93]
HCJ-0171 Japan Doraemon: Nobita to Himitsu Dougu o Mitsuyou! UNK-Barcode
HCJ-0308 Japan Doraemon: Nobita to Maigo no Kyouryuu UNK-Barcode
HCJ-0207 Japan Doraemon: Time Machine de Daibouken UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Dorei Kaigo (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Dorei Kaigo (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Double Focus: Aya to Momiji no Dangan Shuzai Kikou UNK-Barcode [94]
ダブルフォーカス- 文と椛の弾丸取材紀行 -
ZSTH-0014 Japan Double Spoiler: Touhou Bunkachou UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Doukyuusei UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Doukyuusei 2 UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat UNK-Barcode
CD-MPC-184-0 USA Dragon Dice UNK-Barcode
ELFD-089 Japan Dragon Knight 4 UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Dragon Lore II: The Heart of the Dragon Man UNK-Barcode
CD-W9M-227-0 USA Drawing Discoveries UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Europe DreamWorks Madagascar UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Germany DreamWorks Madagascar UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Germany DreamWorks Madagascar (Best of Activision) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA DreamWorks Madagascar UNK-Barcode
33225.101.US USA DreamWorks Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa UNK-Barcode [95]
UNK-Serial Poland DreamWorks Madagaskar UNK-Barcode
32705.101.UK Russia DreamWorks Madagaskar UNK-Barcode [96]
DreamWorks Мадагаскар
UNK-Serial Russia DreamWorks Madagaskar 2 UNK-Barcode
DreamWorks Мадагаскар 2
UNK-Serial Australia DreamWorks Shrek SuperSlam (Essential Collection) UNK-Barcode
32983.101.EU Germany DreamWorks Shrek SuperSlam UNK-Barcode [97]
MV-5028-6 Brazil Driv3r UNK-Barcode [98]
UNK-Serial Germany Driv3r (Software Pyramide) UNK-Barcode [99]
UNK-Serial Europe Driver: San Francisco 8595172602876 [100]
UNK-Serial USA Drome Racers UNK-Barcode [101]
UNK-Serial USA Drone UNK-Barcode (Original 1997 DOS version, mail order only?) [102]
5004884 Europe Ducati World Championship (Ubisoft eXclusive) 8595172601800 [103]
903793DVD USA Ducati World Championship UNK-Barcode [104]
UNK-Serial Russia Duke Nukem Forever UNK-Barcode [105]
ROPANZERELD014LAB Europe Dunes of War 9006113136354 [106]
ECD575147D France Dunes of War UNK-Barcode [107]
UNK-Serial Germany Dunes of War UNK-Barcode [108]
UNK-Serial Germany Dunes of War (JoWood) UNK-Barcode [109]
UNK-Serial USA Dunes of War (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [110]
UNK-Serial USA Dunes of War (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [111]
UNK-Serial Australia Dungeon Keeper UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Japan Dungeon Keeper UNK-Barcode (En)
UNK-Serial USA Dungeon Keeper (2 games in 1 package!) 014733123739
CLI Part No. 1713310172 USA Dungeon Keeper (Bundle version OEM) UNK-Barcode
EMW-4019 Japan Dungeon Keeper Premium UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Keeper: Gold UNK-Barcode
DCG 006575 Europe Dungeon Keeper: Gold (Dice Computer Games) UNK-Barcode
BFE08801605 Europe Dungeon Keeper: Gold (EA Classics) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Dungeon Keeper: Gold UNK-Barcode
787707 USA Dungeon Keeper: The Deeper Dungeons UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Australia Dungeon Keeper 2 (Black Diamond Game Series) UNK-Barcode [112]
UNK-Serial Australia Dungeon Keeper 2 (EA Classics) UNK-Barcode [113]
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Keeper 2 (Disc 1) (Sold Out Software) 5037999006121 [114]
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Keeper 2 (Disc 2) (Sold Out Software) 5037999006121
UNK-Serial Netherlands Dungeon Keeper 2 (The Games Collection) UNK-Barcode [115] Ring: (kgd-NL)01 KEN0020
UNK-Serial South Africa Dungeon Keeper 2 (EA Classics) UNK-Barcode [116] Manufactured in Singapore
UNK-Serial USA Dungeon Keeper 2 (2 Games in 1 Package!) UNK-Barcode [117]
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep UNK-Barcode [118]
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep (blackmArket no. 1) 3455192161034 [119]
UNK-Serial France Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep UNK-Barcode [120]
UNK-Serial France Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep (blackmArket no.1) UNK-Barcode [121]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep (Bestseller Games #16 covermount) UNK-Barcode [122]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep (blackmArket no. 1) UNK-Barcode [123]
UNK-Serial USA Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep (Interactive Preview) UNK-Barcode [124]
CD-ICD-502-0 USA Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep (Rerelease) UNK-Barcode [125]
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Siege (Disc 1) (Xplosiv) 5017783016215
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Siege (Disc 2) (Xplosiv) 5017783016215 [126]
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Siege (Disc 1) (Xplosiv, alt) 5017783016215
XP-1856-2 Europe Dungeon Siege (Disc 2) (Xplosiv, alt) 5017783016215 [127]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [128]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [129]
UNK-Serial Poland Dungeon Siege (Disc 1) (Kolekcja Klasyki) UNK-Barcode [130]
UNK-Serial Poland Dungeon Siege (Disc 2) (Kolekcja Klasyki) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Poland Dungeon Siege (Disc 3) (Kolekcja Klasyki) UNK-Barcode
0801 Part No. X08-25506 USA Dungeon Siege (Disc 1) (Rerelease) UNK-Barcode [131] Ring: X08-86076 R1N
0801 Part No. X08-25507 USA Dungeon Siege (Disc 2) (Rerelease) UNK-Barcode [132] Ring: X08-86078 R2J
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna 805529579408 [133]
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 1) (Xplosiv) 5017783024302
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 2) (Xplosiv) 5017783024302
XP-2109-3 Europe Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 3) (Xplosiv) 5017783024302 [134]
UNK-Serial France Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [135]
UNK-Serial France Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [136]
UNK-Serial France Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode [137]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [138]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [139]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode [140]
CENEGA 566/PCDVD-ROM/2007 Poland Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Kolekcja Klasyki) UNK-Barcode [141]
CENEGA 567/PCDVD-ROM/2007 Poland Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna: Patch PL (Kolekcja Klasyki) UNK-Barcode [142]
P/N: 10688/1 USA Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 1) (Rerelease) UNK-Barcode [143] Ring: ZOMAX MN 1245677
P/N: 10688/2 USA Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 2) (Rerelease) UNK-Barcode [144] Ring: ZOMAX MN 1245691
P/N: 10688/3 USA Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Disc 3) (Rerelease) UNK-Barcode [145] Ring: ZOMAX MN 1245692
UNK-Serial Brazil Dungeon Siege II (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [146]
UNK-Serial Brazil Dungeon Siege II (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [147]
UNK-Serial Brazil Dungeon Siege II (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode [148]
UNK-Serial Brazil Dungeon Siege II (Disc 4) UNK-Barcode [149]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege II (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [150]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege II (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [151]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege II (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode [152]
UNK-Serial Germany Dungeon Siege II (Disc 4) UNK-Barcode [153]
UNK-Serial Poland Dungeon Siege II (Disc 1) (Czarna Edycja) UNK-Barcode [154]
UNK-Serial Poland Dungeon Siege II (Disc 2) (Czarna Edycja) UNK-Barcode [155]
UNK-Serial Poland Dungeon Siege II (Disc 3) (Czarna Edycja) UNK-Barcode [156]
UNK-Serial Poland Dungeon Siege II (Disc 4) (Czarna Edycja) UNK-Barcode [157]
UNK-Serial Russia Dungeon Siege II (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [158]
UNK-Serial Russia Dungeon Siege II (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Russia Dungeon Siege II (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Russia Dungeon Siege II (Disc 4) UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Europe, Australia Dungeon Siege II: Broken World UNK-Barcode (Original, Deluxe Edition) [159][160]
CENEGA 499/2006 Poland Dungeon Siege II: Broken World: Patch Polonizujący UNK-Barcode [161]
5051071/CD 1 Europe, Australia Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [162][163]
5051071/CD 2 Europe, Australia Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [164][165]
5051071/CD 3 Europe, Australia Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode [166][167]
5051071/CD 4 Europe, Australia Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 4) UNK-Barcode [168][169]
5051071/CD Europe, Australia Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Manuals & Bonus Materials) UNK-Barcode [170][171]
5051095/CD 1 Germany Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [172]
5051095/CD 2 Germany Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [173]
5051095/CD 3 Germany Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode [174]
5051095/CD 4 Germany Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 4) UNK-Barcode [175]
21980-1.1 USA Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 1) UNK-Barcode [176]
21980-1.2 USA Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 2) UNK-Barcode [177]
21980-1.3 USA Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 3) UNK-Barcode [178]
21980-1.4 USA Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Disc 4) UNK-Barcode [179]
21980-1.5 USA Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition: Broken World UNK-Barcode [180]
21980-1.6 USA Dungeon Siege II: Deluxe Edition (Manuals & Bonus Materials) UNK-Barcode [181]
MDUN3VMB01 Europe, Australia Dungeon Siege III UNK-Barcode [182]
MDUN3VMB02 Europe, Australia Dungeon Siege III: Limited Edition UNK-Barcode [183][184]
1270120 USA Dungeon Siege III: Limited Edition UNK-Barcode [185]
UNK-Serial Europe Dungeons UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial USA Dungeons UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Russia Dungeons: Хранитель подземелий UNK-Barcode
UNK-Serial Russia Dva Mira II UNK-Barcode [186]
Два мира II
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