Sony PlayStation 2 - Magazine Coverdisc Lists

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Sony PlayStation 2
Undumped Games & Demos: USAPALJapan / AsiaKorea
Full Lists (Official Releases): PALKorea • Magazine Coverdisc Lists
Unlicensed Lists: USAPALAsia (All Regions)

This list includes coverdiscs included with all official PlayStation 2 magazines. For unofficial PS2-centered magazines with coverdiscs, see Coverdisc List.

The PAL territory releases are particularly confusing for several reasons:

  • Discs were often re-released in different regions.
  • Discs were sometimes unique to different regions.
  • Discs were often released with a different Issue number on packaging versus disc label. This occurred because UK discs were often repackaged to other PAL regions which followed a different numbering system.
  • Usually serial numbers can differentiate whether a disc from one region will match a disc from another region. However in some instances, the same serial number from different regional OPS2M variants have different hashes [1].
  • Serial numbers on the spines of some cases were sometimes not updated between issues, leaving an incorrect serial number on the spine (versus the disc), often repeating spine serial numbers across Issues. This phenomenon was noticed in Australia, but may extend to other regions.
  • Please be detailed in Comments when submitting discs from these regions.
Region Magazine Status
USA Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine (USA) All known discs dumped, undumped revisions exist.
UK PlayStation 2 Official Magazine-UK (UK) All discs dumped.
Australia PlayStation 2 Official Australian Magazine (Australia) All serial numbers dumped, regional verifications needed.
Australia PlayStation 2 Official Magazine-Australia (Australia) All serial numbers dumped, regional verifications needed.
Benelux PlayStation 2 Officieel Nederlandstalig Magazine (Benelux) All serial numbers dumped, regional verifications needed.
Denmark PlayStation 2 Officielt Dansk Magasin (Denmark) Needs more research.
France PlayStation 2 Le Magazine Officiel (France) Needs more research.
Germany Das Offizielle PlayStation 2 Magazin (Germany) All discs dumped.
Italy PlayStation 2 Magazine Ufficiale Italia (Italy) All discs dumped.
Poland PlayStation 2 Oficjalny Polski Magazyn (Poland) Needs more research.
Portugal PlayStation 2 Revista Oficial - Portugal (Portugal) All discs dumped.
Russia PlayStation 2 Official Magazine Russia (Russia) Needs more research.
Spain PlayStation 2 Revista Oficial - España (Spain) All serial numbers dumped, regional verifications needed.
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