Nintendo GameCube and Wii Dumping Guide with a PC

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Dumping retail GameCube and Wii is generally considered easier to do with a Wii console (see: Dumping Guide with a Wii Console), so you might want to start there.

However this guide is for dumping Nintendo GC and Nintendo Wii discs with a PC. This guide is additionally useful because it can be used to dump dev discs (NR GameCube dev discs and RVT-R Wii dev discs), which would otherwise require development GameCube NR and/or a Wii RVT-R Reader console (see: Nintendo GameCube NR and Wii RVT-R Dumping Guide with NR Reader and RVT-R Reader).


Tools & Setting Up

Dumping Discs

Dumping discs may take multiple tries. Restarting your PC has been reported to be helpful in initiating dumps.[2][3] Opening Windows Explorer may help trigger your PC to be able to read the disc.[4]

Dumping Discs with Rawdump

This guide is for all retail discs. This guide is also for dumping NR & RVT-R dev discs with support disc drives that do NOT require the swap disc method.

  1. Insert the disc into the drive and launch Rawdump 2.1, and press "Start Dump". This will take some time. For Wii games, expect 2+ hours, and for gamecube games, expect 30+ minutes. The file will save as a .wii or .wod file. Press the "Convert raw to .iso"
  2. After the disc has been copied, launch HashCalc, check MD5, SHA1 and CRC32 rows, uncheck others. Select File option from the Data format list, then press button next to the Data field, select dumped image and press Calculate. The calculation process may take up to several minutes. These checksums should be posted along with other info.
  3. Dump your disc again and compare old dump checksums with the new ones. If checksums are the same, your disc has been dumped properly.

Dumping Discs with Friidump

  1. To be written.

Dumping NR (GameCube) & RVT-R (Wii) Dev Discs with Rawdump using Swap Disc method

Depending on your model of disc drive, you may or may not need to use the swap disc method to dump discs, see "Nintendo Disc Compatibility" column on the Optical Disc Drive Compatibility: Nintendo Gamecube & Wii list to see if the drive model requires using the swap disc method. If the drive does NOT require using the swap disc method, use one of the guides above instead ("Dumping Discs with Rawdump" or "Dumping Discs with Friidump).

If your drive model requires swap disc method for NR & RVT-R discs, you'll need to do an additional step which requires preparing your drive as seen here.

  1. Insert retail game into drive.
  2. Wait for drive to stop spinning.
  3. Open RawDump.
  4. Wait for it to stop spinning again.
  5. Remove lid, remove retail game. Swap in NR / RVT-R disc.
  6. Hit "Start Dump".
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