Disc Dumping Guide (MPF)

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This dumping guide is for:

For all other formats see Dumping Guides.




  • In the MPF app folder, double click on MPF.exe to launch the app.
  • Disc Type: Select the format / console of the disc you're dumping.
  • System/Media Type: Choose the system name for your disc, then disc format if the system supports multiple disc formats.
  • Output Filename: This gives a title to your output files, using the game title is a good idea (example WipEout Pulse).
  • Output Directory: This defaults to ISO\unknown\, changing this to the game title ISO\Game Name\ will create a unique subfolder for you to keep your dumps organized. (NOTE: You cannot have punctuation in your directory name such as a period ".")
  • Drive Letter: This should automatically fill when a disc is in, but if you have multiple disc drives then select the one you wish to dump with.
  • Drive Speed: You can leave this default. (Pro mode: Select the drive speed you wish to dump with.)
  • Start Dumping: Click this and your dump will begin! A command-line interface window will pop-up displaying the progress of your dump. When the command-line automatically closes, your dump is done!
  • Note: "Scan for protection" option is just for checking if a PC disc has copy protection for when you don't want to dump the disc itself. The IBM PC dumping setting will automatically scan for protection during the dumping process. So ignore this "Scan for protection" button if you're dumping discs.

Submitting Info to Redump.org database

Time to have your disc added to redump's database! New dumpers need to sign up on the forum here, then after account approval need to submit disc info here. After receiving "Dumper" status, future submissions for new discs (not currently in database) should go through New Disc form. Submissions for verifications of existing items, should be posted in the Verifications area.

Please review the important guidelines outlined in this forum thread regarding submission of both new discs and verifications: Redump Submissions

About half of the information required will auto populate in the !submissioninfo.txt file which serves as a template for your submission. The rest of the info will have to be filled in manually:

  • Game title: Most obvious, is located everywhere. Please include the subtitle if your game has one.
  • Disc title: Some games stored on multiple discs may have discs with titles. Examples: Armored Core: Nexus (Disc 1) (Evolution) and (Disc 2) (Revolution). If your game doesn't have multiple discs, ignore this.
  • Game languages: Start the game and look for "Language" menu in options. If you are unable to test, leave this empty.
  • Version: This will auto-populate on some systems, but for others leave this empty if you are unsure. For PC games, the version is sometimes printed on the disc or displayed on the in-game menu.
  • Edition: Some games were re-released in different packages, for example, "Platinum", "Greatest Hits", "PlayStation 2 the Best" series. If game was released in original package, post edition as "Original".
  • Barcode: Submit the numbers from under the barcode: EAN / UPC code, usually printed on the back cover of the packaging or disc case.
  • Serial number: Usually printed on disc itself. If an alternate serial number is printed on packaging, please note it.
  • Ring code info: Post whatever information is visible to you. Ring codes are numbers and letters primarily on the data side of the disc near the disc center/hole. Use the Ring Code Guide.

Zip and upload all output files along with your submission EXCEPT the game itself (all files except: .iso, .bin, .scm, .img). They can be included as an attachment to forum submissions, or as a download link (Google Drive, Dropbox, mega.nz, etc). If you are submitting a new disc through the new disc form, you can add a link to the logs in the 'comments' section of your submission.

If you are using the new disc form, you can try using this script to fill out the form if you prefer entering your dump information in the MPF program, saving time. Make sure that "Output submission JSON" is turned on in MPF's settings, fill out the information after the dump is done, then decompress the submission .gz file and copy and paste the information to the large box that is now on the top of the new disc form.

WIP: MDF/MDS Dumping Guide (Non-Redump)


If your dump is not successful or you get read (c2) errors on your attempt, there are a few things you can do to potentially get a clean dump:

  • Dump the disc at a lower speed
    • Especially for CDs, sometimes lowering the disc read speed can significantly improve the chances of reading the disc. Many programs will first attempt at the highest possible speed available for the drive, unless it is changed.
    • There is no magic speed for every disc, but try lowering to 24 (if higher), and/or if still having trouble, lower to 8. You may have luck with even lower read speeds - it depends on the disc and the particular drive you are using, so you may need to experiment.
    • If using DIC, simply change the command parameter after the filename to indicate the speed you want.
    • If using MPF, you can change the speed for your dump in the 'Parameters' field, or if you want to change the default speed, go to Tools --> Options --> Dumping, and select the Default Speed.
  • Try cleaning the disc (please exercise caution, and do this at your own risk!)
    • Sometimes there is surface dust, dirt, or grime on the disc, that once cleaned can enable a good dump.
    • We recommend you attempt cleaning methods in order of 'least invasive' to the disc, such as the following order:
      • 1. Use compressed air or an electric air duster (preferred) to simply remove loose particles from the data side of the disc.
      • 2. Perform a very gentle cleaning of the data side of the disc, using a good quality microfiber cloth, and *very* gently rubbing not in circles, but from the inner hub of the disc toward the outer edge
      • 3. Use a small amount of water or Isopropyl Alcohol (70% - 91% range) (preferred) on the disc. Let it sit for just a few seconds but not too long, then gently clean the disc using the same method as #2 above. Make sure the disc is completely dry when finished.
      • 4. If the disc has very visible or deep scratches, it is possible that a partial or full resurfacing / repair may be needed to correct the disc. Please reach out in the VGPC discord if you have questions about resurfacing methods. This is the last resort for a disc, and should only be done if all other methods have failed.

Please reach out in the VGPC Discord or on the Redump forum, if you are having other types of trouble or need further assistance with getting a disc to dump successfully.